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Were they ever any gallows in Sheffield?


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Originally posted by nuf_said

There was a gallows in what was Burdall's Buildings - Hillsborough Barracks. It was on the mezzanine floor of what was the army riding school building (which is now the dole office with the tall arched windows. V spooky when I first saw it. Turns out to have been installed for a film set (and not taken away until the recent building development).


Originally posted by goldenfleece

Any idea what the movie was?


No idea - sorry, I wish I had asked around at the time. I was told it was set in a prison. There were other bits of 'film set' around the building including the remains of a high prison wall.

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Originally posted by Bikertec

It wasn't a film it was a period drama if you can find anyone who worked on guarda security they probley be able to give you more information they had thier offices there.


Was that a tv film then? Yes 'Garda Security' were in the old guard house right next to the riding school where the gibbet/noose was. They then moved into the building behind the riding school when that was refurbished. Not got any contact with them now though.


Anyone know what the period drama film was? It must have been made in the 80's.

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  • 1 month later...

you are wrong there was one that use to stand at the bottom of broughton lane how do you think it got its name it was named after edgar broughton who was hanged where the builders yard use to be he also had a pub named after him the broughton inn what use to stand on the corner of broughton lane the arena carpark is there if you want to have a look at the pub photo have a look at a book called a wander up the cliffe by michael liversidge he also wrote another book called another wander up the cliffe it shows what attercliffe use to look like in the 50's/60's oh how it as changed I spent most of my life down the cliffe well from being born up to me moving when I was 10 years old and then moving back down to the cliffe when I was 13 yars old then moving again when they started to pull down the houses I would have been 19 years old then.

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ok, so the information that deecee, supplied through their link, says that the highwayman, Broughton was executed at York, and his body was transported to sheffield for gibbetting.


he was hanged in April, 1792, and that the last of the gibbet was taken down in 1827, that's like 35 years!


goodness me. that's a long time!



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so what are you a post collage graduate who knows the finer things in life you would make a good candidate for the mastermind challenge with all that knowledge you have got shame you cant put it to good use instead of nit picking on this forum ok.

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and your problem, precisely is...




I was correcting myself, because I had said in a previous post that I did not think that the gibbet existed there.


Deecee provided a very good link, which gave comprehensive, and useful information, both about SPENCE Broughton, the highwayman, as well as the Gibbet and its location.


and, it's funny, you should mention Mastermind, etc... I often do very well in pub quizes, yes, that's true. All those brains, and beauty, too ... le sigh.....


Touchy, much, kev???? Naaah! surely not?



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