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Were they ever any gallows in Sheffield?


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just getting over from a big hangover what I have had since christmas eve and me touchy you dont have to shout and dont drag that chair my head feels like it is going to fall off you were right I was wrong sorry but we cant all have brains even photographers havent got much brains have we !

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Originally posted by gopher

There was one at the bottom of Broughton Lane and Attercliffe Road.


That is where SPENCE BROUGHTON the Lincolnshire Farmer turned Mail Robber was put in an iron cage after he was hung in York. His body then skeleton was there for nearly thirty years as a warning to others ( they should do that now) He and an accomplice robbed a young post boy of I think £1,000 a fortune in those days. Spence got hung and his co-hort went mad and committed suicide.

Broughton lane is named after him.

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Yes I heard about the Broughton Lane one when I was a little girl as well. I always hung on(no pun intended) to whoever I was with when we walked past. Wish I could remember more detail of just where it was but I can't and no-one left to ask now....just on the corner on the right as you walked from Attercliffe feels about right. Made me shudder just writing about it..I wasn't told who or why except that that's why it was called Broughton Lane.

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The site of the Gibbet was in what was then the rear yard of a Pub called The Yellow Lion at No 59 Clifton St but in living memory a builders yard took over the site after the pub had long been demolished. The Gibbet had gone long before the turn of the century, so you would have to be over 200 years old to have seen it. The one outside the pub now (Noose & Gibbet as is it is now) on Broughton Lane is just a modern reproduction.

The Pub was originally called The Railway hotel.

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Oooh no, I never said I'd seen it....just told that's where it was...I just had a very colourful imagination and imagined what it must have been like. I'm certainly getting on a bit but not by that much. :banana:

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