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Did anyone go to Westways School?


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I used to live on Mona Road (my Mum and Dad still live in the same house) and went to Westways - it was the best school ever. Probably the nearest you'll ever get to a 'community' school - every teacher seemed to know the name of every pupil and nurtured the skills - whether academic or otherwise - of everyone. Surprised no-one has mentioned Mrs Marshall - small, red-haired and as firey as you would expect but God! she was inspiring with her enthusiasm of the school choir and music lessons. Some of the stuff we sang at school concerts often brought the audience to tears. (From memory it was because of the quality but maybe, on the removal of rose tinted spectacles that was not the case??) Many of the pupils at Westways also experienced the youth organisations at St Timothy's church - brownies and guides, cubs and scouts. The scout and guide marching band... Oh Happy Days...

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Miss Beaumont had blonde hair. I think I remember the french teacher...didn't she change her name because she married? I think I recall her having black/dark hair and wearing a lot of make up...could be wrong though.


Nearest I ever lived to Westways was Northfield Rd up until being six. I was carted off to netherthorpe after that but remained at Westways.


Mona Rd. Didn't Mrs. Ogle (right name?) live on there?


Aaaarrgghh just remembered Mrs. Hughs!!!

And was there a Mrs. Salvolski in nursery?


Damned good times. From your previous post I'd have been two years under you (34)

When I was there I remember a French teacher called Mrs Varadi but that was probably about 1976.

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I wish they'd taught IT skills when I was there (until around 1976) then I'd be able to work out how to use this site properly!


Mrs Ogle lived at the top of Mona Avenue (rather than Road).


When we were of the age that our classrooms were in the annexe, we also had goldfish which were called Tish and Tosh. There was a song but I can only remember the first line: Tish and Tosh, Tish and Tosh, the Westways Fish... (this was before getting to Middle School and learning from Mrs Marshall..)


There was a teacher in the infants who brought her dog into class every day - it might have been Mrs Hughes.


Mona Road was a clear split of two parts: - 'little Mona' - the dead-end that backed on to the school playground to Springvale Road' and Mona Road was the uphill bit.


When we were young on Mona Road there were loads of families with children of a similar age - all playing out in the street together. Games like rounders (never easy on a hill) using the lamposts as bases and 'gang' which was a glorified version of 'tig'. If Mr and Mrs Steers hadn't had a garage, set back from the road, we would never have been able to play as they always drew the short straw with us kids using the driveway into the garage as our base/den/hiding place.

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mrs marshall,wow i remember her too!!!!

glad i posted this thred as it brings back my childhood and yes westways was the best school and i had a lot of happy times in that school and also at st.timothys!


i bet we all know each other too!!!

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there were lots of kids that lived on mona road where i lived that you may remember....jane aldred,jane simpson,jane townsend,peter wall,andrew peckett,chris gordon,sarah,vicky,wendy derbyshire,ruth briggs,david ward,dean murphy oh the list is endless!

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there were lots of kids that lived on mona road where i lived that you may remember....jane aldred,jane simpson,jane townsend,peter wall,andrew peckett,chris gordon,sarah,vicky,wendy derbyshire,ruth briggs,david ward,dean murphy oh the list is endless!

I remember the Baines and Thompsons like I said before and the Derbyshires, David Ward and the Murphys from your list. There was David Martin too if I remember rightly. He had a younger sister and lived near me at the bottom of the hill.

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