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Air pistols & guns. Time for them to be licensed?

Should you have a licence?  

162 members have voted

  1. 1. Should you have a licence?

    • Yes, all air rifles and pistols should be licensed
    • No, air weapons should be available without a licence
    • I'm unsure

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I'm still struggling to see why reasonable normal people on this thread have a problem with having a trip to the local Police station once a year to provide ID and details of their guns and perhaps handing over a tenner for the privilege.



A tenner a year and a trip to the station is little inconvenience. However, would it really achieve anything?


With just tens of thousands of FAC holders, licensing is achievable and manageable for the Police. With estimates of 4-6 million air guns in the country, licensing would require investment in a new database and massive diversion of Police resources to handle the initial amnesties and licensing operation, and a continued expansion of the licensing departments to maintain currency of existing certificates and issue new ones.

I would rather the Police apply their time to more pressing issues.


Licensing air guns will not make already law-abiding air gun owners any safer, and it will not make already law-breaking people who would not apply for certificates any less dangerous. The safe, responsible people will continue to be safe whatever we do, and the irresponsible would not be affected by a ban. There are just too many air guns out there for a ban to have any tangible effect on their availability.

Introducing a license system for airguns would therefore have negligible effect on reducing crime with unlicensed weapons, but at considerable cost to the public purse because of the sheer numbers involved.

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Getting all your mates (not you dafoot) to join SF to distort the vote on this thread isn't really going to help much.


Why does it distort the vote? Surely you could argue it is strength of feeling which is encouraging people to make their point of view known. The way to stop this problem is not through Parliamentary legislation but economic viability -- ie limit the availability of those who truly can afford such rifles. If you don't have much money but really are an enthusiast, you'll save up ... chav morons hell bent on causing problems won't do that with new rifles.

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A tenner a year and a trip to the station is little inconvenience. However, would it really achieve anything?


With just tens of thousands of FAC holders, licensing is achievable and manageable for the Police. With estimates of 4-6 million air guns in the country, licensing would require investment in a new database and massive diversion of Police resources to handle the initial amnesties and licensing operation, and a continued expansion of the licensing departments to maintain currency of existing certificates and issue new ones.

I would rather the Police apply their time to more pressing issues.


Licensing air guns will not make already law-abiding air gun owners any safer, and it will not make already law-breaking people who would not apply for certificates any less dangerous. The safe, responsible people will continue to be safe whatever we do, and the irresponsible would not be affected by a ban. There are just too many air guns out there for a ban to have any tangible effect on their availability.

Introducing a license system for airguns would therefore have negligible effect on reducing crime with unlicensed weapons, but at considerable cost to the public purse because of the sheer numbers involved.


Superb post ... articulated far better than me.

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is there anything left that we must have a licence for ? there are laws about possesing/owning air guns that up untill some fool gets hold of one were quite adequate,you dont have to buy an air gun from a shop,they get passed around or swapped so licensing them would be pointless


its the same old story,stupid fool gets weapon,hurts some one,why not have a ban,an amnesty a licence,? this wont stop the fools using them will it,?as the total ban on hand guns proved there will always be some one to provide them or use them,stiffer court punishments would be better than a licence in my opinion

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  • 2 weeks later...
yeah but theres no real purpose in having air rifles and pistols apart from kids shooting neighbours cats and ducks down the park.

lso i have been robbed at rifle point up here, turned out it was an air rifle bored out to accomadate large chunks of metal....woulda still made a mess if it had hit me, it was fired


No real purpose - apart from the thousands of people that use them for sport and hunting.

Did you know air rifle shooting was an olympic sport. Thought not.


Licencing them will not make a jot of difference.

You need a licence to carry a firearm - does that stop people carrying them around killing people ?

The yob that robbed you - do you seriously think that by making air guns licencable it would have stopped him.

Ooh I better not rob anyone anymore as my air rifle isn't licenced .... and that would be naughty.

Get real.

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  • 5 months later...
Is it time that air rifles and air pistols were licenced?


Is it right that anyone can walk into a shop, or log on to the internet and buy a weapon, no matter low powered it might be?


Should all gun owners require a police inspection and a licence?

no,there are laws in place that should prevent ********s having them,why lumber the decent types with more licences and rules,its worked out ok for the last fifty years or more except for the occasional fool abusing the law,let the police do their job and arrest the fool,not hound the responsible owner
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  • 2 years later...
Is it time that air rifles and air pistols were licenced?


Is it right that anyone can walk into a shop, or log on to the internet and buy a weapon, no matter low powered it might be?


Should all gun owners require a police inspection and a licence?


it is not true anyone can buy a weapon. the uk has the toughest laws going. you cant even buy a bb gun. enough laws. use the ones we have:roll:

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