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Air pistols & guns. Time for them to be licensed?

Should you have a licence?  

162 members have voted

  1. 1. Should you have a licence?

    • Yes, all air rifles and pistols should be licensed
    • No, air weapons should be available without a licence
    • I'm unsure

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You just dont get it do you 'my little munckin', shall we license every thing? Homemade catapults? What about stone throwing, that would kill you with the right sized stone ? Yes, a license for your arm !

Oh, and the difference between a shotgun and an air rifle is this, 99% of the time being shot by an air rifle will result in a not too serious injury, being shot by a shot gun ? what do you think ? Oh, and another thing, the internet doesn't sicken me, its people like you, preaching to forums like this.

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I certainly wouldn't propose a big fat fee. £25 per gun? Enough to make people take it seriously, not enough to put off enthusiasts.


How does a 14 year old own a gun though?


Someone whose 18+ buys it on their behalf.


Bit daft that they can't buy it themselves and thus have a proper chat with the gunshop owner who can take a view as to their fitness, but that's the law as it stands.

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It's my opinion that Air Rifles/Air Pistols, (knowing how degraded some young people have become in modern society) should be available for use only at designated Clubs, suitably licenced, requiring Membership and strictly used for supervised target shooting within approved Indoor Premises only.


The Member would need to sign in, receive the weapon, hand it in to the Club after use, then sign out as they leave the Club.


Bit OTT there, legaly owned firearms are not held at clubs but in secure conditions at the owners home address so why should airarms be any different?

My bold, they're only weapons when used as such, a kitchen knife is a weapon when used as such.

It is inpractical to have your firearms/airarms kept at the club the space required would be enormous and also a perfect target with so many such items and ammunition under one roof.

The tightening of the gun laws after dunblane did nothing to reduce gun crime as it only affected the legal element of the shooting fraternity.

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Sharp edged tools and cars don't have a primary purpose of penetrating at high velocity, primarily to kill like say a... err... gun.




So our little munchkin, tell us why you would object to having a license if you are a responsible user. Wouldn't you prefer that only proper and responsible people who shoot legally (like you?) only get their hands on guns?


Oh, and if you're going to be sick please face downwind. You should be careful if the internet makes you bilious.

Will your OTT approach stop gun crime anymore than the over reaction after Dunblane?

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Has there been a massacre of schoolchildren or anyone else using handguns since?

There has been no reduction in gun crime since the knee jerk reaction after Dunblane.

What you may not know is that there is now a much bigger variety of legal firearms used and owned these days than ever before.

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Is it time that air rifles and air pistols were licenced?


Is it right that anyone can walk into a shop, or log on to the internet and buy a weapon, no matter low powered it might be?


Should all gun owners require a police inspection and a licence?


Air rifles and pistols the are over the legal limit (12ftlb for air rifles) require a firearms certificate and all that it entails to acquire one..

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If they were banned they wouldn't be as many in the wrong hands would there? Ergo, the illegal use of them would reduce along with the injury (death) to people pets and property.


Strict gun licensing in the UK means we have very low relative gun crime so why not licence air weapons too?


Where are the real points of objection?

So what percentage of gun crimes result from people who legaly hold firearms.

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