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REX Cinema


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I used to live in Intake on Mansfield Rd just up from the Rex Cinema from 1963 to 1977 and remember the place fondly. Went to many of the Saturday matinees where the kids threw sweet papers etc at the screen and the unfortunate heads of those in front.....saw my first X rated film there aged 14....remembe the tiny sweet shop that could be accessed from the door at the front of the cinema or a little serving hatch to the lobby and a little old lady that worked there for years, thuink her name was Sally??? .....In our teenage years my friend and I used to stand chatting to (up) the lads who had the unfortunate job of directing the cars to parking spaces on the sloping front (great fun in the snow!)


I still cant hear the Pearl and Dean intro today without knowing every bit of the Bop bop ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bop bop ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba......jingle and embaraassing my teenage kids at the characterless UCG by joining in merrily EVERY time. Great fun!

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  • 4 months later...

I used to go to the Rex in the early 50's it was my local cinema as I lived at Intake.

It was 10d to go in the cheapest seats, think I'm talking 49/50

and 1/6d for top price, about 4p and 7p. We used to go twice a wk. Never went in the balcony until I was older.

At school we used to discuss the films and one girl in my class went every night to the pictures and declared she was going to be a filmstar. We laughed but yrs later I sat in the Odeom in town and saw her on screen. Judy Parfitt. She made it.


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Guest bostonaire

i remember going to see "The sound of music" and in the middle of the song "How dyou solve the problem of maria" where the nuns sing....a fire broke out behind the curtain and ten burly fireman were running around at the back of the curtain with the hose!!! we werent asked to leave they carried on playing the film!!! LOLOL

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I lived on Mansfield Road, just up from the Rex in the late 70's to mid 80s. The year Grease came out we must have gone every day in the 6 weeks holidays. We knew all the words to the film off by heart by the time we went back to school! We'd all be sat there doing the Greased Lightening!

The old lady who worked in the ticket office was called Jessie, she lived bang across the road, next to the video shop.

I remember the sweet shop at one side, and a clothes/wool shop at the other? Always handy when you're at the pictures!

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I remember the Rex well as we lioved just up the road (Hopefield Avenue) and went a lot from the late 70s until it was knocked down. Must go into the Noah's ark when I go back to look at the picture, the Rex was great. I remember the queue going right round the cinema for Grease. The ashtrays were still in use up to a point and you could buy separately priced tickets for the stalls or balcony. Goold ol' days - remember Marshalls 'supermarket' next door?

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  • 5 years later...
when i used to go in the mid-late 70's it was quite a dump but apparently it was quite posh in its hey day....it was 25p to get in and it was massive inside compared to todays smaller places..todays places have 6-7 different screens, the rex only had 1,in 1975 it was in the brink of closing down and then came jaws,it was sold out for 7 weeks solid which kept it going..then came saturday night fever and grease which also brought in much needed cash.....but it was inevatable the end was near.....how do i know all this......well the place was owned by two old ladies that lived on hurlfield road,next door to the dentists..i was their paper lad and often chatted with them..i always got a good tip at chrimbo:) :) :)

An old thread i know but the interesting bit for me is the old ladies bit on Hurlfield Road. I used to pass there house when i was a paper lad at Amies Manor Top, Just above there house lived a priest and as i used to walk past his drive end he used to offer me a woodbine i think they called him father Richards he used to frighten me to death still don,t smoke.

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