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VIP night Takapuna's


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I have been down ... but not for a while..... unfortunately it makes me feel not too well on a Friday at work... hangover etc... and plus I am always out on a Friday ... so Thursdays is a bad nite for me.... but I will pop down one Thursday nite for a couple of hours....

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Oh my god how good were the Pearl Rockers last night !:D

It must be one of the best atmosphere's we've had at VIP since we launched.


These boys know their stuff that's for sure, and they did a blinding job in The Lounge.

We even had one of our VIP regulars get up and battled with the Pearl Rockers causing a massive cheer from the crowd when she showed them that even with no Breakdance Experience, she could put on a good performance.


We had a few enquiries after we left about how people could learn to do what the Pearl Rockers do, so for everyone else who's interested check this out.


I'm sure we'll see the Pearl Rockers on @ VIP again pretty soon for those who missed out, so you can see how good these guys really are.


Well Done Guys :thumbsup:

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Only popped on here for a min but I'll definatley let Electri'K know that you were pleased with their perfomance last Thursday.


They said they might come down again so all you people out there that want to see them again or for the first time say - YES! :clap:


He also told me to let you know that if you want to learn breakdancing or bodypopping get down to the Forum on Monday nights because he teaches his class there every week.


I have been working at Takapuna on Thursday nights for 3 weeks now and I just want to say that everyone I've met so far are really nice! It's a really chilled atmosphere - no tention at all and although I get bored sitting in that freezing booth :P it makes me warm inside to meet such friendly people! :)


(Kirk - any signs of an electric heater yet? :D )

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Originally posted by sparklesista

They said they might come down again so all you people out there that want to see them again or for the first time say - YES! :clap:


YES! :clap: Angel and I missed them last week as we were sat upstairs. We'll make sure we're downstairs with a good view next time. :D

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Originally posted by Pauly

YES! :clap: Angel and I missed them last week as we were sat upstairs. We'll make sure we're downstairs with a good view next time. :D


Beaten to the post... damn! :lol:


What the hell YES!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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