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Idea- Regeneration funding for a gay quarter?


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These comments get so boring, how many more times wil people not listen.


I am gay and I have no problem what so ever with straight people (my mum and dad were one you know) !!!


You don't need a straight pride becuase (see list below) but if you did have one I would happyily come along with my straight mates and family to celebrate who and what you are.


1. Straight people do not face discrimination just becasue they are straight (gay people do).


2. Straight people do not get attacked, physically or verbally because they are straight (gay people do).


3. Straight people can on 365 days of the year express their sexuality (holding hands etc) many gay people can;t through fear of abuse or ridicule.


Gay pride is ONE day out of 365 for people to come together in a safe, FUN environment and send out a message that being gay is OK. ANYONE welcome to attend. Is it really such a big deal in 2007 or is Sheffield living in the dark ages.


examples please

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why not are you scared?


Why not have you never kissed in public before (p.s us straight people also dont kiss in public, we get use to it, so will you!!


I get the same responce when i take 2 women back to the hotel room, but do you know what.. stuff what people think.


that's the problem with GAY people.. their 2 bothered about what people say!!


GAY and most def NOT scared.

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Gay pride is ONE day out of 365 for people to come together in a safe, FUN environment and send out a message that being gay is OK. ANYONE welcome to attend. Is it really such a big deal in 2007 or is Sheffield living in the dark ages.


For the majority of people, no, it isn't, but there are those who still feel it appropriate to judge the lives of others instead of concentrating on their own. Those who have a good life get on with living it, those who aren't happy with theirs bitch about others.


In terms of having a gay quarter, it's not something that would excite me, but then I don't live a gay lifestyle. I think if people want it and will support it (as they did a number of years ago in Sheffield) and it's something that helps them to feel more comfortable about their sexuality, then that's absolutely fine. Who should argue with that?

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If your gay, be gay, but don't try to encourage others to be the same as you.


Sheffield don't want a gay quarter promoting, it wants proper families with kids promoting so it can be a sustainable city.


A family quarter would be good.


I don't want to tell anyone to be gay or lesbian I want them to come to accept it themselves and live a happy, safe life. I want the same respect in life as anyone else.


Reading through Sheffield Forum and the amount of homophobia and hate in Sheffield, encouraged by people like you, and having lived the last 25 years of my life as an out gay man and experienced homophobia face on I infact am tempted to say to people don't be gay. There are some very cruel people in Sheffield.

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Blimey, now i realise why no-one's bothered suggesting it. Two pages of ranting spewing nonsense in just a few hours.


I asked a question about a strategic approach to stimulating the local economy in the city by supporting businesses to start up and get established. Just as there is strategic approaches to creating 'clusters' or 'hubs' for certain industries in the centre- eg the retail quarter, the cultural industries quarter (quuarter in this jargon just means 'area' ie not the whole of a quarter of the city being forced to go retail- or gay). This kind of regeneration can help to turn around 'forgotten' corners on the edges of city centres and make them safer, cleaner, better areas for everyone. For instance the riverside exchange, victoria quays, these are both examples of where areas have been cleaned up cleared out and turned round- partly because of individual businesses and customers, but also because of a wider push to actually create a city which is better for all of use whoever we are.


What do people on here do, trawl through thread titles for something saying 'gay' so they can just start frothing?!


Typical response from a town planner: anyone criticising any of their ideas is "ranting spewing nonsense".


The whole concept of finding out what people really need and want is totally alien.

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