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Idea- Regeneration funding for a gay quarter?


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examples of the violence ,prejudice and discrimination you rant on about. sheffield, this century please .


Sorry for the delay, been away.


14/10/2006 When I was physically

attacked on Fargate for being a queer, thank you to S Y Police, you were very supportive and helped in the conviction of the moron.


Dec, 2006 Myself and a friend had to leave the Swimm Inn because a group of lads were going on about faggotts (not in a nice way) and looking menisingly at us.


The endless, random quotes of queer or "you are so gay" on the bus/street by the youth of today.


The window of my mates flat in Upperthorpe being put through by kids running away and shouting queer (how brave) last month.


Gay/lesbian people in this city DO hear or suffer homophobia every day. You only have to subscribe to Sheffield Forum for a daily barrage of attacks.

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Sorry for the delay, been away.


14/10/2006 When I was physically

attacked on Fargate for being a queer, thank you to S Y Police, you were very supportive and helped in the conviction of the moron.


Dec, 2006 Myself and a friend had to leave the Swimm Inn because a group of lads were going on about faggotts (not in a nice way) and looking menisingly at us.


The endless, random quotes of queer or "you are so gay" on the bus/street by the youth of today.


The window of my mates flat in Upperthorpe being put through by kids running away and shouting queer (how brave) last month.


Gay/lesbian people in this city DO hear or suffer homophobia every day. You only have to subscribe to Sheffield Forum for a daily barrage of attacks.


what i see in the newspapers and every day life in sheffield gay people do not get assaulted anymore than straight or any other people ,its the world we live in ,gay or straight.

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what i see in the newspapers and every day life in sheffield gay people do not get assaulted anymore than straight or any other people ,its the world we live in ,gay or straight.



Can you not see the difference:huh: Random attacks on society in general are just that "random", not because they are black, white, old, disabled etc, attacks on gay people is because they are "gay", so there is a vast difference.


My best friend was attacked by two "black" men and two "white girls" on Cambridge street last year and ended up in a coma and left with epilepsy and slight brain damage and why was that, because he is gay, "you ****** dirty queer" being what they shouted at him as they were kicking him in the head. On regular occasions my girlfriend and I are sniggered at , stared at and even called out to "****** lesbo's" and all the associated filth that they spew out. I am sure you can imagine.


So please do not compare violence towards the gay community as the same as to society in general. If you can't see the difference they you really are living in an unreal world.:rant:

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Can you not see the difference:huh: Random attacks on society in general are just that "random", not because they are black, white, old, disabled etc, attacks on gay people is because they are "gay", so there is a vast difference.


My best friend was attacked by two "black" men and two "white girls" on Cambridge street last year and ended up in a coma and left with epilepsy and slight brain damage and why was that, because he is gay, "you ****** dirty queer" being what they shouted at him as they were kicking him in the head. On regular occasions my girlfriend and I are sniggered at , stared at and even called out to "****** lesbo's" and all the associated filth that they spew out. I am sure you can imagine.


So please do not compare violence towards the gay community as the same as to society in general. If you can't see the difference they you really are living in an unreal world.:rant:


i do live in the real world and i get sick of people useing its cos im gay or black or old or young or any other reasons to be victimised. you say "weve got to many asylum seekers "and get accused of being racist , you say" no to a gay quarter "and your anti gay. gays dont get treat any worse than the rest of society.and if i knew people were likely to assault me for holding hands on cambridge street i wouldnt do it. not do it anyway cos im gay and proud .im a united fan but i wouldnt wear a blades shirt on ecclshall road cos thats where the owls mob are,.theres nothing wrong with you being proud ,but stupid and stubborn does you no favours . so you get in the real world and accept that whatever you are or do ,someone somewhere will take offence, they may be thugs ,ignorrant or just pure evil but that is the world we live in ..sorry to hear of the problems youve had but caution instead of stupidity could avoid a lot of it.

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Because he runs a city centre pub and was probably seen there, and I am sure you being so knowlegeable on this subject must realise a lot of gay men are obviously that.


here you go again making judgements ,on peoples knowledge this time . get the chip off your shoulder. your gay so what ?who gives a monkeys. integration not segregation you are not a special case for anything ,.

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