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Idea- Regeneration funding for a gay quarter?


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here you go again making judgements ,on peoples knowledge this time . get the chip off your shoulder. your gay so what ?who gives a monkeys. integration not segregation you are not a special case for anything ,.


I am not making judgments on anyone, what I say is let live,and that applies to all creeds, colour, sex or whatever. I am gay and proud and I definitely do not have a chip on my shoulder. I don't care what other people think, if they don't like it who cares. I wont hide away just cause someone doesn't approve of my sexuality. However, I do think your argument actually makes things worse because you are talking about things you don't understand and I hardly think wearing SUFC colours on Eccy Road is quite the same - do you:rant:

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I am not making judgments on anyone, what I say is let live,and that applies to all creeds, colour, sex or whatever. I am gay and proud and I definitely do not have a chip on my shoulder. I don't care what other people think, if they don't like it who cares. I wont hide away just cause someone doesn't approve of my sexuality. However, I do think your argument actually makes things worse because you are talking about things you don't understand and I hardly think wearing SUFC colours on Eccy Road is quite the same - do you:rant:


the point is exactly the same ,be proud but not stupid. now you say i dont know what im talking about but you dont make judgements, er um :loopy:.dont hide away just use common sense .

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the point is exactly the same ,be proud but not stupid. now you say i dont know what im talking about but you dont make judgements, er um :loopy:.dont hide away just use common sense .



I think we should agree to differ on this one. You have your point of view and I have mine. Touche:)

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every single day is straight pride mate.


Can I walk down the street holding my partners hand?...NO! Is it acceptable for me to kiss my partner in public?....NO! Is it fair that when I book into a hotel that's a double room with two men sharing I get treat like filth?.....NO!


I'm gay and have never had any problems in any hotels that we've stayed in.

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Can we get back on to the subject here? This is not a thread about the moral acceptance of homosexuality today, so let's leave it there. Do you think that for the size of Sheffield there is an active enough gay scene people? How can we take positive steps forward to help this happen? Will the gay community support this? Why do you all think Sheffield's gay scene is SOOO poor compared with other local cities?

Cheers, Olly.

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Can we get back on to the subject here? This is not a thread about the moral acceptance of homosexuality today, so let's leave it there. Do you think that for the size of Sheffield there is an active enough gay scene people? How can we take positive steps forward to help this happen? Will the gay community support this? Why do you all think Sheffield's gay scene is SOOO poor compared with other local cities?

Cheers, Olly.


i dont like the idea of having a certain area for the gay community tbh it just smells of segregation (i think thats the right word) why should they have only one bit of sheffield to enjoy surely they should be able to enjoy the whole city? i think we need to encourage clubs and events to come to sheffield i cant say why the scene is better in other cities maybe we should ask people take their ideas and suggestions on board. i think the key here should be intergration and not segregation

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i dont like the idea of having a certain area for the gay community tbh it just smells of segregation (i think thats the right word) why should they have only one bit of sheffield to enjoy surely they should be able to enjoy the whole city? i think we need to encourage clubs and events to come to sheffield i cant say why the scene is better in other cities maybe we should ask people take their ideas and suggestions on board. i think the key here should be intergration and not segregation


Well homophobia does exist and I agree in a perfect world we would all live as one. However, if ever I or anyone I know has held hands or danced with or anything like that in a straight club, then you get dodgey looks or comments! Gay bars and clubs give a place where you can feel comfortable. Also, if you look at places like Manchester, lots of straight people to go gay places, so it is not about segregation, more about integration. Those people that are not ignorant. You see my point?

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Well homophobia does exist and I agree in a perfect world we would all live as one. However, if ever I or anyone I know has held hands or danced with or anything like that in a straight club, then you get dodgey looks or comments! Gay bars and clubs give a place where you can feel comfortable. Also, if you look at places like Manchester, lots of straight people to go gay places, so it is not about segregation, more about integration. Those people that are not ignorant. You see my point?


im sorry i wasnt saying its a bad thing or anything i totally agree with what you say about getting funny looks ect ect i just didt like the idea of keeping the gay community in one specific area. and as i said at the end of my post the key word should be intergration and i agree a gay club allows you to be yourselves without fear of reprizal.

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im sorry i wasnt saying its a bad thing or anything i totally agree with what you say about getting funny looks ect ect i just didt like the idea of keeping the gay community in one specific area. and as i said at the end of my post the key word should be intergration and i agree a gay club allows you to be yourselves without fear of reprizal.


I understand. It is easier to have gay bars/clubs centered around one place. Unfortunately it seems that Sheffield is a more narrow-minded city than others and therefore isn't ready for a central gay community. Don't know what you think?

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