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Scissor and knife trade.


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Some friends of mine thought they would be patriotic and bought a set of Richardson cutting knives. After all it states on the blade Richardsons Sheffield 1839.

However after a little investigation , it appears the company went bust 2007 and the remnements of the comany name bought by Dutch Amefa Group, and manufacture of these products are now all made in the Far East.


My friends are disgusted that they tried to support British Industry and this company is not British any more.


The new company surely do not have the right to mislead the buying public by displaying on their goods' Sheffield.' . A disgrace


Gary Marshman

North Wales

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It says here that Westall Richardsons was set up in 1984. Surely that cant be right as I worked there twice in the 70s and it was definately called Westall Richardsons then.


Hi Tara, you say you worked at WR in the 70s; was that in Upper Allen street? I worked there in the 60s and I believe it had something to do with an American firm. We used to have visits every now and then by a very tall and tanned guy with black hair who was called Jerry Hahn or Harne. I remember we all had to give the place a good clean and tidy-up when we knew HE was coming. As for the cutlery that was made there---well, it was mostly the kind you won at bingo at the fair!! I know they opened another factory somewhere else in Sheffield but can`t recall where it was. Maybe that was in 1984.

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Hi there,

I worked at Sorby Street and then moved to Scotland Street. My Managers name was Ken who had a brother Vic. Ken was a big Status Quo fan as I recall.

I was in the Warehouse/Dispatch and worked with Pam.

There was Tommy and Brian the Grinders and Jeff the Union Man in the Tool Shop, oh and Dougie, Judy Cound and Hilda Howe. I think some of these worked at the knife section building of George Ibbersons previously, the one in town.

I also remember a Rep that came to the Warehouse a lot called Richard Day.

We later joined up with Broughs next door before moving to Scotland Street. I wish we hadn't as I hated it in Scotland Street and eventually left.

I definately remember Ken mentioning the name Bash quite a bit.


---------- Post added 08-01-2013 at 23:20 ----------



Yes it was Homeric I actually worked there twice. First time on the Machines and second in the Warehouse.There were two warehouses and I worked in them both. Sandra was the Manageress on the bottom floor one. I remember a girl with hearing disabilities her name was Molly.

I have fond memories of the top floor one, Hilda was in charge.

Because we only had half an hour Lunch and as we were on the top floor, I use to tie some long string to my bag, go to the chippie with our orders then Hilda would lower the bag down past 3 floors via the window I would put our dinners in it then she would hoist it back up.

I remember going to the Bowling Green Pub on fridays with Alison and Sylvia.

Am hopeless with second names sorry.


---------- Post added 08-01-2013 at 23:27 ----------



Yes it was Homeric I actually worked there twice. First time on the Machines and second in the Warehouse.There were two warehouses and I worked in them both. Sandra was the Manageress on the bottom floor one. I remember a girl with hearing disabilities her name was Molly.

I have fond memories of the top floor one, Hilda was in charge.

Because we only had half an hour Lunch and as we were on the top floor, I use to tie some long string to my bag, go to the chippie with our orders then Hilda would lower the bag down past 3 floors via the window I would put our dinners in it then she would hoist it back up.

I remember going to the Bowling Green Pub on fridays with Alison and Sylvia.

Am hopeless with second names sorry.

I worked at Homeric in 1963 until I got married in 64 and moved down south. I woked for a while in the top wharehouse then I moved down to the bottom wharehouse, a woman called Amy was in charge and Sandra was in supervisor. Sandra came to my wedding,i would love to know what she is doing now, unfortunately we lost touch. My cousin's wife Nellie Davies worked there for a while as well. again I have lost touch. I'am trying to think of other names, they will come to mind soon.

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My Great Grandfather was the MD of Champions Scissors on Peter Street.


My Grandfather was MD of G Darwin & Sons (scissor) Ltd followed by my father was MD of G Darwin & Sons (scissor) Ltd after that/


I worked in the trade for many years until its demise in around 1996


My dad worked with George Darwin many years ago.Left Sheffield in 1982 to move to Australia to be with us. He was very fond of Mr. Darwin,who I can vaguely remember from my childhood.

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My Great grandfather was an elusive Charles Marshall Ridall 1851 to 1917, an ivory & horn merchant & knife handle carver.

He had several firms eg 'Ridall & sons' & years ago I saw some of his knives in Weston Park Museum.

The sons would have been my granpa Albert Ridal & or his brother William. I don't know how long any remained.

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Some of us have lived through it and seen it all !

I was first introduced in WW2 when we gave a secret knock on the cutlers door and a glance through the peephole before we were let in. Just in case we were from the 'Ministry'. Officially of course, no cutlery was allowed to be made for home consumption.

I spent the next 50 years buying and selling Sheffield cutlery. Carrying blanks from one outworker to another. Filers, (Wilds, remember them ?) anonymous buffer girls (stuffed with newspapers), mirror polishers (a breed apart) then the etchers ( who had often lost your plate !). Boxes from Pickerings or Bells (bless them !), Then Willy Stringer for scissors. No finer scissor craftsman ever lived !!

I had a front seat in the stalls to watch the industry's painful death throws.

As for the incomers who had the nerve to put Sheffield on their boxes ! I could write a book !

Come to think of it there should be a book in there somewhere ! but then again, who would buy it ?


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I have over the last 10 years purchased 3 Sheffield made penknives. It really hurts to say that the blade steel is not as good as that used by the Swiss. The Sheffield penknives require sharpening more often than the Swiss knives.

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Hi, spotted your thread. My grandmother, Helen Dawson worked for Surmanco in 60's/70's. It was hard,dirty low paid work, but we never paid for a pair of tweezers. Mum worked at Richards where Wickes is now on Cumberland St. They made junk quality penknives until they were bought out by an American firm and amalgamated with William Rodgers{IXL}. Their firm used to be next to the river where Dunelm Mill is now, I explored it as a kid when it was derelict and it was awesome. My first job was at Lee and Crookes making handles for knives and cutlery, the pay was rubbish but the people were great.Boss was Dennis Richard Bowling/Thorpe ex RAF Lancaster bomber crew. If you needed a loan you got one interest free from the office.Anyway sorry to ramble on, your thread brought back lots of memories, cheers.

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  • 1 year later...


i would like to hear from old contacts people who worked or their faily members worked at the george ibberson from 1969 to 1980s, becaause worked there i knew alot of staff then especailly George Hale , he was a great man any info on him plz contact me


my freinds were i wish to make contact with them or their familes etc:




Mr George Hale- my manager best person great man

Mr Underwood_ Manager Gr8 man

Mr Walton

Mr Dennis Cheetham

Mr Keith Moorby and mrs Elaine Moorby

Mr Jim or James

Mr Frank charlesworth and George

Mr Peter King

Bob or Rob Cheetham

Mr Harry Oxley

and Mrs Oxley

K sampson

V sampson


Jeff or Geff

Derek Dawson







Mr Peter Biggin

and many more


please get in touch



Mr Hussain (Bash) Mr George Hale gave me this nickname he wa s a gr8 person !!!

Hi Bash


I am Frank charlesworths daughter, Linda. I can remember your name been mentioned alot. My father died in 1984. My sister and i are doing our family tree and that is how i came across this. Would be lovely to get some information from you. We have a photo of dad with his sister June Proctor who also worked at Ibbotsons at work.


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