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Where have all the writers gone ?.


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Hi everyone

Sorry for being a bit elusive lately, but as JoeP says its Summer time and I’ve been very busy, also I’ve had my space invaded “no! not the bailiffs” but the kids are home from uni, and the house is in bloody chaos, so inspiration goes out of the window.

Once again I awake to the patter of not so tiny feet, the jingle of love beads, the glimpse of a passing afghan coat, followed by the faint mixed aroma of hashish and patchouli oil, all the walls adorned with posters of Frank Zapa, Che Guevara and Winnie the Poo (Winnie the Poo??? Don’t ask) and the ever present chanting of some long forgotten Medieval Paganistic verse.

I do tend to exaggerate somewhat, but I think you get my drift.

Anyway give me a couple of weeks, then the “beautiful people” will have taken their leave and normality is resumed.

I have a lot of catching up to do.

I knew I could rely on Hopman to keep you amused.

Has Shoey and Mantas brought back Corporal punishment yet?

Is Seriessix still confusing everyone?

Is Falls still climbing Everest or going over Niagara in a barrel?

And has Pattricia lost her virginity yet?

Be back soon


I miss you lot (now don’t get all sloppy)

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I suspect that this concern about the lack of postings will apply to quite a few fora in this country. If anyone uses other fora (and I'm not linking to them!) then I bet you've seen this subject surface already. Nothing to worry about, but if people go away from their computers for a holiday, that's bound to restrict their postings.

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Is Falls still climbing Everest or going over Niagara in a barrel?



I miss you lot (now don’t get all sloppy)


Speaking of Mount Everest, did I ever tell you about the time the Luftwaffe (sorry Lufthansa) took me to see it. Give me ten minutes and I'll write something.


As for Niagara Falls (NF), I'm afraid I know too much. I lived there for thirty one years so my opinion is somewhat Jaundiced. The Falls are definitely spectacular and the park surrounding them is very good. Unfortunately, the City is not.


I remember Harry Worth, the comedian, used to describe his home town of Barnsley as a "Cemetery with Street Lights". God knows what he would have had to say about NF.



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