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Balti King, Broomhill.


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  • 1 month later...

On Wednesday lunchtime for a bit off a change myself and two work colleagues decided to go for a sit down curry meal in Broomhill to a well known curryhouse in the shopping parade.


We met up with one other friend at 1pm and went for the meal.


We shared poppadoms and bhajis and I and a female colleague had a lamb paneer and the other two had a chicken paneer and chicken ginger with cheesy naans and pilau rice. This was never going to be the best curry of my life, but it passed as a pleasant change to the normal lunchtime routine of a quick bite at the desk.


(We now move the story on approx 7 hours)


As the ref blew the whistle to start the 2nd half of the England match, my stomach took a turn for the worse. 45 mins and approx 4lbs lighter I emerged from my biohazard of a toilet knowing that that curry came out hotter than it went in. Still feeling worse for wear I was in bed not soon after.


On arriving at work today, one of my colleagues had been through the same as me and the other two were at home in bed still suffering with the "squatts"


I called enviromental health today to report my concerns, and they seem desparate to take delivery of stool samples and will not take the matter further unless samples are provided.


I can understand there insistance on stool samples for toxicalogical reasons and also to dissuade false accusations and I am sure that they aware of problems with this restaurant, having now read threads on this website.


The £60 for the meal is inconsequential besides the discomfort that all concerned have been put through. Is there anything else that can be done ???


I for one wont be visiting the Balti King again.

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Originally posted by firsteuro

I would love them to try and sue me.


I have made an educated and informed comment on the poor hygiene standards of the BALTI KING, backed up by 3 other witnesses who suffered the same...


noooo...not having a go....i agree with you!!!!!



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