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Wagging school and where did you go?


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I used to go where I knew no-one would find me..

I'm embarrassed to say it, but I used to wag it in City Road cemetery.. :blush:


I wasn't on my own, that would have been very boring..

We never did anything bad in there, just read the gravestones and sit in the garden bit and just chat for a couple of hours..:D

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I only wagged it once with my mate. The day we choose, it was chucking it down and so we ended up sat in the Cathedral ALL day with our packed lunches! Never been so bored in all my life - that day went on for ever and we couldn't be arsed to do it again!

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We used to go go my mates house cos no one was ever in and we used to watch the afternoon films on the telly, sometimes we used to catch the bus to town and hang around on the balcony outside woolworths when it was near the markets, in summer we`d go off walking around the fields in the sun.

Happy days


OMG, me and a friend used to hang around on the balcony, those were the days:hihi:

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Whilst Colley Sec Modern School was being built a number of the children who had gone to live on the New Parson Cross, attended Eccelsfield Junior. At the start of the first three months of our first term in Senior School, because Colley wasn't ready, we were transferred to Burgoyne Road School at Walkley. Catching either the number 49 or 110 bus to Wood Street at Hillfoot Bridge, then walking up the long hill to the Old School.


Because I utterly detested the place, I played truant for about two of the three months.

Normally I'd catch the bus with everyone else, when they got off, I'd stay on it and go to the then Bridge Street terminus in town.


From there I'd go to, the then, Fish Market. Where I would meet another lad playing truant. We would then collect broken wooden fish boxes and chop them up to make bundles of suitable sized fire wood. When we had made enough we'd load them onto a old pram and go to sell these at the Flats on right-hand side of Snig Hill. On Moorfields, (Shalesmoor) usually finishing on Edwards Street Flats.


It was a very profitable money spinner at the time and basically I lived very well.

At the end of the day I'd catch the bus that met the others who had gone to school and join in. My Mother did not find out until sometime in December when suddenly my days of truanting came to a rapid end. ( Almost including my own life!!)


In the January, Colley opened and I can't remember having a day off school until I left some four years later.


It would be great to meet over the forum the lad who I use to meet up with. For years I've often wondered what he thought had happened to me. The same could have happened to him!!.

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