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Wagging school and where did you go?


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I mostly went to mate's houses or home if I was on my own, BUT, I once decided to go into town.The bus stopped near my house, and to my dismay, my Mum got on and came to sit upstairs where I was.

I had to spend the whole thirty minute journey knelt down behind the back seats.Then I had to wait for My Mum to get off as the bus pulled into the terminus at Bridge Street.I waited until I saw her walk off up snig hill and then I dashed down the stairs, I frightened the bus driver to death and he demanded to know what I was doing up there, I told him I had fallen asleep, I got a load of verbal and then got off the bus.I had to stay in town for hours as I didn't want to get the same bus back !!!:hihi:

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me and my mate john,and his whippet/lurcher type dog used to wag it. instead of going to ecco comp we would head off up station road ecclesfield then turn left up into the hills and woods behind smithywood coking plant. then after crossing the m1 via the footbridge into thorpe hesley terrattory we made our way up to keppels column. at that time ( 1973ish ) you could still get inside and i remember one day we plucked up the courage and climbed all the way up to the platform at the top. I remember nearly every step had pidgeons eggs on it.

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I went to Park House, and used to catch 24 bus, it used to go all the way from Tinsley, right upto Totley, one end of Sheffield to other! all for 4p! Other times i'd just go to mi grans house (she didn't agree with school giving us all that hard work! bless her) and...we used to hang around on that famous city centre balcony too! :D

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Which school did you go to ? I went to Tapton. Dont be fooled by avatar I am a girl, just in case you got crossed wires. LOL XXX

:hihi:i also went to tapton:D and spent many a day in the woods . smoking and eating crisp sarnys. always waiting for mates to have break from class. so they could tell us if the teachers knew we were wagging it:D 1983 ish

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I wagged it loads. Used to go down to Endcliffe park and have a few cuppas in the park cafe.

Then on a hot summers day me and me pal James decided to go to Bingham park instead. I said to him, got a bad feeling we gonna get caught today. And just then my dad drove past in his van. he pulled up and asked why we were out of school. We just said it was a free period! Didnt wag much after that.

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But did you see the Foxes Cubs?


I wagged school a few times in the late 1930,s wit a lad who went to another school.We went to Bramall Lane when Yorkshire were playing and go round collecting bottles,Then take them back to the pub or off sales and get 1p for them

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