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Wagging school and where did you go?


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I used to wag maths regularly. I always went home and read my Jackie mag listening to Donny Osmond. Only once did I wag it with my gang of mates. We were going to sneak in to town to see the film 'Carrie'. Stupidly we kept our uniform on and only walked about 3 bus stops away from school. It was a doomed wag from the start. The headmistress drove passed us in her car, did a neat 3 point turn and ordered us back to school where we found ourselves in detention.

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Never wagged it much but.... Our school were arranging a day trip to London. There were limited places and the names were drawn out of a hat. My mate and I were not amongst the lucky few, however we told our parents that we were. We got the cash for our trip of our parents and went anyway, the day after the school. We had a great days sightseeing and never got rumbled. We were 13yrs old at the time, I shudder to think what could happen these days.


Some 30 years later I 'fessed up to my mom and dad, having a real laugh about it. My mother just glared at me, "Well I don't think its funny"

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We used to go to each others houses if parents weren't in, one of our dens, the local park, we'd go and smoke weed with the older kids. At one point I'd walk round the block in the morning as my mum went to work then jump back into bed. Soon after I stopped doing that and just stayed in bed :hihi:


Other times we'd go to registration before wagging it to keep our attendance up and to sell fags.


Sometimes town, but you'd often bump into a teacher so we didn't do that much!

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Wagging it was second nature to me and I had it down to a fine art (or so I thought) all my time was spent in the reference section of the central library and Weston Park museum,learning while not learning so to speak.

It would all come tumbling down round my ears on a regular basis with a visit from the truant officer (Mr Hubbard) who by this time was almost part of the family.

The visit from Mr Hubbard would also be followed by a series of sharp pains around the ear lobes.


I dont regret any of it,I reckon I learnt more while on my jaunts than I would have at school,its never held me back,I had an education that suited me and ive worked all my life since leaving school.

I wouldnt however recomend it in this day and age

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  • 2 years later...

Spent many a day wagging it in the 60's. Always used to be a lot of fun no matter what the weather.

Used to spend part the afternoon perfecting writing a letter to my form teacher explaining why I had been absent, and trying to copy my dads signature.


Next day was the most tense when you actually gave the note to your form teacher, trying not to look guilty. I'm sure they knew the score.

Never did get caught out, despite my terrible handwriting skills.


Can't see my grandkids getting away with the same today!

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