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Concord Middle School 1972-73


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I can remember the ballroom dancing. I danced with Theresa Murdoch. I was also in the Weston house group. We never seemed to win much!


Have you got any old class photos you might like to share? I imagine timo is frantically trying to dig his out at this very moment!




Would I know you RexT?

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Stevo I guess you might remember me as I can remember a spell where I used to knock about with (Although they were a year younger) Steven Sanderson, Martin Danes and Tony Swallow - I was later a big mate of his brother Andrew Swallow, Craig Alsop and Andrew Birkhead. I can remember you and your brother David.


Other names on the Estate I remember are :- Steven Askwith, Alan Taylor,Wayne Reynolds, Martin Duncan, Gary Froggatt, Paul Beasley, Mark Evans, Brookes, Goddards, Tracey Dibbs, Gillotts.


All for now



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Good posting. I was pals with Steve Askwith, and will be eternally grateful to him for converting me [1969] to the Blades from my misguided, then, loyalty to the Owls. Steve, if you are reading this- I have never faltered in my loyalty to United since. I also knew Andrew and David Birkhead, and Craig Alsop. You mentioned the Goddards too. I always used to think they were blamed for a lot of things other kids had actually done. By today's standards they were pretty tame, but at the time they were labelled "bad lads" . I always found them perfectly okay to talk to. Glad you remember Mr Cox- he was a special bloke, wasn't he? Ballroom dancing was fun if you got to dance with Helen McLachlan and other lissom, fragrant types. In retrospect, knowing how to dance a Valeta or The Miltary Two-Step didn't bring me any benefits in 1970s Sheffield. Do you remember the "choir pracice", or rather forced singing in which we sat in rows singing hymns; usually run by Mr Cox or that hyperkinetic ball of tension, Mr Allott?

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I recall some of those names, but not all. I do remember the Goddards (Wasn't it Peter and Andrew?) They did seem to get te 'bad 'lad' label, but I also found them to be OK.


On the section of Standon Crescent where I lived there were two terraces of four houses each.


As I recall no. 64 was inhabited by Semi Herdings and his wife. Jane and Susan were the two daughters. Oh how i liked Jane and Susan! Rayah was the oldest, their son. Semi was of Turkish descent. They eventually moved house ans The Justices moved in with their son Steven.


The Eblets (me) lived at 66. I have three brothers, David , Michael and Paul. Michael has mental problems .(He is a blade!)




68 was the home of Keith Earnshaw and his wife. They had a son Steven and a daughter Denise. They eventually moved across the road.


70 - The Askhams. Andrew and Patrick were two of the sons. I think the mother was called Kath. She introduced me to collect cactii and the new seekers!


72- Martin and Karen Bennett and their parents. Karen was a year older than me and was a prefect at Concord. She used to give me trouble when she got stair duty. Martin and myself used to make stink bombs, from rotting vegetation and jam jars. A complex process!


74 - The Danes. Martin and Angela were the children. They actually had a substantial win on the pools and were one of the first families to go to Spain from our street. Angela had a gruff voice as a child, but had some sort of operation, which changed it completely. I can remember us all asking her to speak for us after the op.


76 - Jud Evans and his wife lived here. Dawn was their daughter. She was lovely. Jud had one leg, I believe as the result of an accident in the steelworks. They eventually moved across the road, next door to the Earnshaws.


Across the road from 66, lived Mark Evans. He broke limbs in a tarzan swing accident in Wooley woods. He was a year older than me, but was a mate for a while. I think he had a sister, but I'm not sure.


That was our local gang of kids. I had mates elsewhere, including David Tomlinson, who lived on Fife Street and David Jones who lived at 33 Standon Road. He was a really nice lad, but unfortunately got the Blades bug also. He managed to turn me into a Blade for a season, but I got better.




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To my eternal shame, I began as a Wednesday fan [my Dad and Grandfather were Wednesdayites, although gt Grandad was one of the first Unitedites], until Steve Askwith talked some sense into me. I think Currie, Woodward ,Reece etc seemed so much more exciting than the likes of Peter Eustace etc at Hillsborough. Unitedites semed much more passionate too, and the Lane [at least to me] had much more atmosphere. Plus, most of the kids at Concord were Blades. I have never regretted my change of heart, even in the dark days of the 80s. I think Wincobank, Shiregreen, Brightside and Firth Park are traditionally United areas. They certainly were in the early 70s. Was that your general impression too?

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I always got the impression that there was a fairly even split between the reads and blues in our area. David jones and my brother michael were Blades, yet Andrew glaves, myself and my brother David were Owls.



I recall visiting Hillsborough one boxing day, back in '79 and taking Michael along with me. I have yet to be forgiven!


Actually your chairman (PLC) Kev McCabe is advising me regarding the development of a new junior football club in Filey. I am a director of our a non profit making company that operates junior football for FIley kids. We visited Sheffield United a couple of weeks ago, spending the morning at your academy and the afternoon watching the enthralling scoreless draw against Gillingham. I have to say we were well looked after. We took 102 kids on two coaches.


The visit has featured on the SUFC web site (news menu, then promotions menu). I've also featured the visit on my web site http://fileyfootball.com


As a devout Owl I must admit I have little to shout about at the moment, but I am sure the tide will turn again soon and we will regain our rightful place as Yorkshire's premier club.






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Oh don't tell me, it is time for the familiar phrases to flow from Owl lips; "Premier side in waiting" etc, blah blah. Stevo, my friend, you are going to be waiting a long time for that to happen.Up the Blades!

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Careful Timo, you could end up eating those words. But let's not get into a football debate in this post. I accept we arre in the doldrums at the moment and i'm flummoxed as to how we're likey to regain our true premier status!



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Stevo - Timo


I Can remember choir practice and the bloke with one leg. I was with Mark Evans when he fell off the tarzan swing breaking both arms and dislocating both wrists (I was the one who ran to fetch his dad) his sister was I think called Tracy. Also at the tarzan swing incident was a scruffy kid called John Brookes and an older kid called Jeff Dawson who lived next door to Craig Alsop. I will never forget it he must have fallen about 40 foot.

As I remember Hinde House/Wincobank had a slight majority of Wednesdayites (me included) still get down to Hillsborough occasionally. The Goddards where the local kray twins as I remember, always did my best to steer clear of them.


Do you remember the old Mansion House at the top of the hill on Standon Road on the right just before Standon Drive it was demolished to make way for more new houses ?


Up the Owls



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I still get down to Hillsborough occasionally too, although with a 200 mile round trip, we limit it to around six matches per season.


Mark Evans sister was called Tracey, you are right and you helped me recall her with your prompt. I can also recall Mark's dad Trevor and his mum.


I do also recall the old mansion house at the top of Standon Road. I found that on an old map elsewhere on the internet yesterday and you have again prompted my memory there!


When it was demolished, it was replaced with modren housing and a certain David Hunt was resident there.


Craig Alsop is puzzling me still, because although I know the name very well, a mental picture of his face evades me still, just as with Timo. And RexT, I think I know you, but I don't know your real name. If you want to pm it to me, maybe I will recoginse you.


Where did Craig alsop live?

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