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Concord Middle School 1972-73


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Rex and Stevo,

I have dim memories of the mansion house , and I seem to recall a picture of it in one of the Star publications. Craig Alsop was a nice kid in my year, or maybe the year above. He was slightly gangling [no offence Craig if you are reading this] in appearance, with curly hair. A cheerful, friendly type. Once saw him annihilate a guy at Hinde House who had deliberately picked a fight. Alsop knocked the other guy's teeth out! This was not his usual style, I must say, and he was provoked. Re the Goddards- never had any problems with them. They were always friendly towards me, and I rather liked their father too. He was a humorous type. I recall asking him for a "penny for the guy" near Bonfire night, and he gave generously, remarking that he had "two guys at home". I am not saying Andy and Peter were angels, but they were not as bad as people thought.

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Unable to pm anyone until 5 posts - You might remember a good looking kid who was (is) brilliant at football called Andrew Toulson nickname Toosh who lived at 191 Standon road. ????

Since leaving wincobank (the first week I started work someome started calling me by my middle name and it has stuck ever since) Rex is also another nickname !

Craig Alsop lived on Standon Drive opposite those garages near to the Swallows.

A couple of months ago after a trip to Medowhall I took my daughter to show her where I used to live and was shocked to see the condition of most of the houses. Our estate was always considered "Posh". Maybe It was because the housing was new when we lived there or my memory had painted a pretty picture of it , It was a strange experience after a lot of years away.



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Originally posted by RexT

Stevo - Timo


The Goddards where the local kray twins as I remember, always did my best to steer clear of them.


Yeah agreed there, I knew Peter but can't remember his Brother, not like I missed anything if he was as bad as his brother.

I did,nt like Peter, we clashed and his face is still in my memory, with those bulging eyes.

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Andrew Touslon! Again the name is familiar but can't put a fact to your name. 30 years is a long time away and I suppose i've directed most of my energies at fitting in here, so without the constant propmting of familiar faces and places, I have probably forgotten quite a lot.


I wasn't too hot at football, but have always enjoyed the game. We used to play on Concord Park golf course, much to the anger of the golfers and the parkies. sometimes if they really had a go at us from the distant tee at the rear of Standon Drive and adjacent to the woods, we would wait fror their ball to land and then nick it and run off into the gennels on the estate.

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I remember Andrew Toulson vaguely, and yes he was rather a good footballer. I remember playing against you, when Steve Askwith, Alan Taylor and I played on Concord Park. Yes, you were a good footballer. As for good-looking; were ANY of us good-looking then?! I remember you as a nice kid, actually, although I never knew you well.

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Steve Askwith lived across from Alan Taylor and John Brookes at the top of Standon [in the "new" houses]. He was a fair-haired fanatical Blade, and good fun to be with. Saw him briefly in the late eighties- was still a nice type. He had a sister called Deborah.

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Stevo - Timo


Steven Askwith's house was near to the Phone box/bus stop as the new four row terrace houses started. One summer he fell into a bed of nettles wearing only his swimming trunks - funny how these things stick in your mind ? Do you remember the old rag and bone man with his horse and cart ? used to give him some old rags for a ballon - happy days !

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It's quite frustrating, but although I know a lot of names mentioned here, it is difficult to picture the faces. I've been away too long I think.


Does anyone remember the copmetition in the school mag, wher a line or shape was drawn and we had to make a picture using the pre drawn bit?


Does anyone ever remember Mr (Ken) Firth slippering pupils over a desk, or even worse, making us listen to some Neil Diamond album, where he had travelled to Africa and used some tribe on the album?

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