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Concord Middle School 1972-73


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Can't remember Mr Firth but remember Mr Cox kept a wooden cane which had it's own personal name ???? the first sign of rowdy behaviour in class and we were given an exhibition of how effective it could be, this enough was a stong deterent - can't remember anyone ever on the recieving end !

Mr Cox's name was Rupert Alowishas Cox. Funny how these things stick in your mind?

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Originally posted by stevo

I have posted a class photo of Mr Firths class of 72-73 at this address:




Mr Firth was a Canadian who had a liking for Neil Diamond and was pretty nifty at using a shoe, to leather us! Mr Roch was our headmaster and was nifty with the cane!


Teachers I remember well are Mr Cox, Miss Kirk (dishy and wore a mini skirt), Mr Pauley, Mrs Gwynne and there was one who used to run a film club in the mobile classroom.


Miss Warwick still gives me nightmares!


I can remember the old quarry and the chimney being demolished. We used to run around the flooded quarry in PE. What would health and safety make of that today? Also remember the old air raid shelters being demolished, just before the classroom in the photo was built.


Also the playground near the quarry which was quite rough ground, where we played footy, the bike shelter and the outside toilets.


Jane Rhodes told me I was ugly and she was so cute for 9 years old. She told me I'd be good looking when I grew up and that she would then be ugly. Jane you were right about me, but what about you? :~)


I lived at Wincobank on Standon Crescent, so although we caught a bus to school, we sometimes used to walk home through Concord Park and spend our bus fare in a sweet shop on Bellhouse Road. We'd also pocket a few free of charge, until my brother got caught and the lady in the shop slapped his face good and hard. We nenver went back after that.


Is there anyone on the photo you recognise, or are you on there yourself?


I am third from the left on the middle row.


Who am I?

i dont know you but imight know your parents

i used to swim in the pond ride on the boogis

on the lines down the middle of the quarry

went to all the 3 schools it was called shiregreen in them days

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Originally posted by Timbuck

I don't remember Concord School, But I went to Shire green school in the 40's and 50's..can someone enlighten me on it's history.

i left shiregreen in 1944 mr chapmans class top of the stairs

i might know you went to all three schools started in 1935

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Originally posted by Timbuck

When I was at Shiregreen School,The Senior School consisted of various huts and out buildings, and the upper floor of the main building was the main Senior School where we had assembly P.E.

and School dinners . There were two School yards one for lads and one for lasses.....The ground floor was the infant or primery School....I also went there, started at the age of 5...Further down bracken road was the Junior School a single story building with two School yard, a small one at the rear of the school for the younger juniors, and a larger yard at the bottom end alongside Winkobank Avenue..Over the wall from both Schools was "THE QUARRY" it was a working quarry in those days and in the eavnings some of the lads would strip down to the nudy and swim there (brave souls) with the lasses onlooking.

The quarry was strictly out of bounds as far as the school was concerned due to a few drowning incidents, and I received many canings for trespassing over that wall. I'm amazed when you say you used to run round it....Just what part of these three schools became Concord.

i was one of the lads that used swim in the pond went all three schools like you started 1935 left in 1944

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This brought a lot of memories back....

I lived on Standon Road, was mates with Paul and Darren Hudson, Andy Barrs, Nigel Wildgoose , David Reed, David Winter.

I knew Janie Rhodes quite well too.

I was in Mr Kemps class at Concord, due to go into Mr Cox's class in the last year but we moved to Rotherham. I wasn't there for the full sentence, but I do remember the some of the teachers, ballroom dancing, etc I remember the boys' toilet, which was outside in the yard - if you had enough PSI you could **** right over the wall into the playground - that used to cause a bit of a stir.

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I was mates with Andy Barrs, and his elder brother Gary for years. In fact, we lived next door to each other. I recall Dave Winter and his elder brother, Alistair [or "Ali" as I called him]. Was David Reed nicknamed "Spock"? Happy days.

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