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Concord Middle School 1972-73


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Originally posted by Gleighton

looked at the photo and the 5th from the left on the front row looks like my brother-in law Craig Leighton, does the name ring any bells? used to live on Tipton Street.


That's David Walker.



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  • 5 months later...


I am new to Sheffield Forum and have read with interest the threads on Wincobank as my family have lived in the area for years. I was looking at the school photograph you posted from Concord School and did recognise a few faces but I was 2 years behind you. Is the boy in the middle row 2nd from right David Clarke? it does look a lot like him.

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  • 7 months later...

I've driven down Bracken Road this morning on my way to work and there is a sign on the front of, what I knew as, Concord School saying 'end of an era celebration 22nd March' Does anyone know exactly what is going on today. I noticed they have been building a new school on the grounds, and I would love to have a look around the old one before it is demolished. I was there 1972 to 1976.

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I've driven down Bracken Road this morning on my way to work and there is a sign on the front of, what I knew as, Concord School saying 'end of an era celebration 22nd March' Does anyone know exactly what is going on today. I noticed they have been building a new school on the grounds, and I would love to have a look around the old one before it is demolished. I was there 1972 to 1976.



Take your camera with you. ;)

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  • 1 year later...

I was at Concord from 1972 to 1975. These particular profiles brought back so many memories. I never wish anyone ill ( well no too many) but I always wanted something unpleasant & embarrassing to befall the Kemp offspring. I remember the arrogant sod refusing to believe I had written a poem I handed in - what the hell did he know?


"Do you remember the History teacher, Kemp with his tedious papier-mache models of Iron Age Wincobank Hill, and his insufferable children who, he would assure us, were always miles in front of us with their studies, and reading several library books at the same time?


Mr Cox was a top man. He Really got you thinking for yourself and questioning so many things. My aunt remembers him fondly from when he taught at Brightside.


Rupert Cox was Deputy Head [an ex-POW of the Japanese], and a wonderfully dry man. He seldom used his "Shandy" and "Double Diamond" canes, but the threat was there. The pupils loved him, and wished he was the Head rather than Roch. He was such a wise man, the kind that you can really respect. He never allowed his horrendous war experiences to impact upon his teaching, and seemed to be completely at ease with the world."


I encountered Mr Roche again later in life - he lived on Parson Cross and was I think Vhurch Warden at St Pauls? on the estate. Not a child friendly man - he often would appear and confiscate the tennis ball we were playng football with in the PLAYGROUND!


Timo - I am Colin Bennet's nephew (only 2 years younger) I'll try and get he e-mail from my mum!

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  • 3 years later...

Don't know if people still read this thread but just stumbled on it and funny to hear all the old names


A few more for you to remember:


John Pinning, Robert Bennett, Mark Dixon, Richard Hall Tony Ward and for you footballers Gerald callum


and 'Rassam' from the Scouts (Don Taylor)


Anyway to anyone seeng this


It'll soon be HAPPY 50th

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  • 3 years later...
Stevo I guess you might remember me as I can remember a spell where I used to knock about with (Although they were a year younger) Steven Sanderson, Martin Danes and Tony Swallow - I was later a big mate of his brother Andrew Swallow, Craig Alsop and Andrew Birkhead. I can remember you and your brother David.


Other names on the Estate I remember are :- Steven Askwith, Alan Taylor,Wayne Reynolds, Martin Duncan, Gary Froggatt, Paul Beasley, Mark Evans, Brookes, Goddards, Tracey Dibbs, Gillotts.


All for now



Years too late for this thread , but I married Andrew Swallow

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