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Friends Reunited

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Anybody made contact with or met up with friends from the past via Friends Reunited website? There was talk not long after it started of it breaking peoples marriages up as members rekindled old love affairs.


I have made contact with a handful of old friends who I had lost touch with and have met up with one of them. My hubby didn't mind as he knew my friend also.


I couln't contact anybody if I wanted to now as I haven't renewd my subscription.


Is this site a good idea or should we let bygones be bygones, after all we keep in touch with the people who we really want to don't we?:)

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I think the website is a good idea. It's interesting if people you remember have filled in the notes section and you can see what they are up to now. Having said that I have kept in contact with my friends that I wanted to so I didn't need to get in contact via the website.


Although it doesn't surprise me if some people get in contact via the website and re-kindle old relationships!

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Originally posted by Mo

...after all we keep in touch with the people who we really want to don't we?:)


Well, we try... but then for one reason or another they move / lose their mobile phones (and have no record of your number), etc...


OK - sometimes they're good excuses, but at the end of the day the website lets you chose who you do and don't get back in touch with.


I've got back in touch with a good few (maybe 10-20) friends who I went to school / college with - some I emailed as a one off, a couple of others I email regularly now and have met up with again...


It's all good IMO :D

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I have made contact witha few friends through there - it was funny to see what everyone was up to. The general show off had his name as 'Dr'...... then there were two girls who obviously hadn't done much and chose their notes to slogg of everyone else there.


Moon maiden

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