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Friends Reunited

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2 old friends made contact with me recently from that site.

1 was an ex next door neighbour and the other was an ex GF.


I think FR is a great site and I wish I had come up with the idea long ago!


Bet they're worth a mint now the ones that created it!

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Great website, have got in touch with a few old friends whom I'd lost contact with because my parents moved away after i finished school and went to uni and my old home and number no longer existed.

Also had a few contact me and well had a couple of shocks, one of my friends is no longer a man but now a woman, and I have met up with her, the other friend who contacted me went on to become the editor of penthouse magazine and director of porn films!!!

I also recently contacted my first love and it has been very strange I have to say in a really good way. Feelings still exist and its been ten years! Hoping to meet up soon and find out whats happened in the last 10 years.

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  • 4 months later...

Apparantly many recruitment agencies now check out F.R. to see if it exposes any dark secrets about a potential employee....so if you're looking for a job and have divulged your love for donkey porn on F.R. you'd better change your entry quick :)

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Originally posted by Classic Rock

You have to pay the fee now to read about the person. I think the novelty has worn off now. Been there, done that.....

Wow... what a con! That site is a typical example of a good idea gone bad. If only people were less greedy... :(

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