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Do we have a Jewish community in Sheffield?

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Do we have any? In my dealings over the years in Manchester and Leeds they seem to have sizeable Jewish communities but I've never really come across Jewish people in Sheffield. Do we have a Jewish community and if not, why not?


There are plenty of Jewish people in Sheffield usually based in the more affluent parts of the city.


I've seen a few orthodox Jews too but not many.

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Of course there are jewish people in Sheffield- but what sort of a question is this? Why do you want to know?

There is a synogogue (or there used to be), in Ecclesall, and I think many jews lived in that area and probably still do.

No, Sheffield is not Leeds or Manchester- we do not have distinct ethnic areas like them, nor obviously a large orthodox community- instead Jews mix with ordinary people- I wonder if you can spot them as you walk the streets of this city?

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I believe Sheffield has an 'active' community of a couple of thousand Jewish people, compared to say Manchester where the community is measured in 10's of thousands. That is one reason why their presence might be thought of as low key. I would imagine that the textiles and financial businesses of Manchester and Leeds are a couple of reasons for the greater numbers.

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Of course there are jewish people in Sheffield- but what sort of a question is this? Why do you want to know?

There is a synogogue (or there used to be), in Ecclesall, and I think many jews lived in that area and probably still do.

No, Sheffield is not Leeds or Manchester- we do not have distinct ethnic areas like them, nor obviously a large orthodox community- instead Jews mix with ordinary people- I wonder if you can spot them as you walk the streets of this city?


Jomarch is correct, there used to be a large Synagogue, near hunters bar on Wilson Road. The building (I believe) is still there.


it's now moved into the Psalter lane area.


Some friends of mine bought a massive house on Collegiate crescent which used to be a nursing home for elderly Jewish people.

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Sheffield Jews, the Cantor's, Bronx's, Swytzer's, Caplan's, Rothman's, Blaskey's, Sugarman's, Davison's to name but a few. Nothing like the numbers in Manchester and Leeds though but I think that I can explain why.


I have Jewish friends and find that they have a very different sense of humour to gentiles. I was told the following tale by one of them and checked it out with a Jewish elder following a friends funeral and low and behold it was confirmed as being true and not a Yiddish leg pull.


In the 19th century corrupt ships captains used to take passage money from Russian and Eastern European Jews for transporting them to New York. As these folk were 'Fidler on the roof' type peasants they had no idea that they had been conned when they were dropped off in Immingham.


By the time the penny finally dropped the ships were on their way back to pick up more unsuspecting victims. Not to be daunted by such a little thing as being in the wrong country the conned Jews made their way to the cities, most ending up in Leeds and Manchester with a small number settling in our fair city.


If you want to check out how few Jews there were in Sheffield in the 19th century take a look at the old Jewish cemetery on Waller Road, it's only the size of a reasonable back garden. The 'new' Jewish cemetery at Ecclesfield is a fair size but nothing like those in Leeds and Manchester.

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Do we have any? In my dealings over the years in Manchester and Leeds they seem to have sizeable Jewish communities but I've never really come across Jewish people in Sheffield. Do we have a Jewish community and if not, why not?


cantors furniture, haymans bookmakers and jewellrs, lishmans coal,loads of tailors and loads of others contributed to the sheffield community and were jewish. if our latest influx of so called refugees contribute half as much we will be ok.

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