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Do we have a Jewish community in Sheffield?

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just in case anybody has got the wrong end of the stick, Jesus was of course a Jew. Unlike the later Christian and Muslim usurpers of the idea of any monotheistic faith, it passes in the matrineal line. Jesus's mother was Jew, that makes him a Jew for all time, unless he willfully converts to something else. It's mater, not pater, mother, not father, that carries the Judaic tradition through - this is a distinguishing feature of Judaism.


you failed to explain why, and when this concept of Judaism being passed from the mother, came in.


according to Harvard Professor Shaye Cohen,it was mainly from the time of the second temple, when Jewish women were being raped by Roman soldiers. The Jewish heritage was passed to the child from its mother.


The line can be traced from the mother (there's normally no dispute about who gave birth to a child, but there can be all kinds of dispute about who fathered a child.)

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you failed to explain why, and when this concept of Judaism being passed from the mother, came in.


according to Harvard Professor Shaye Cohen,it was mainly from the time of the second temple, when Jewish women were being raped by Roman soldiers. The Jewish heritage was passed to the child from its mother.


The line can be traced from the mother (there's normally no dispute about who gave birth to a child, but there can be all kinds of dispute about who fathered a child.)


I don't get the bit about Jewish women being raped by Roman soldiers. What does that have to do with anything?


I fully understand that Jewish genes are passed down by the mother as no one really knows who the father is in any birth. It's a strange religion though as it depends entirely on race and DNA.

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Such as Alan Sugar, Philip Green and the lass who plays Roxy in Eastenders??? There are a right load of famous Jews in the UK, and none of em haved ringletts :) Possibly because very few jews do :)

Maureen Lippman, Oliver Letwin, the Millibands, Warren Mitchell (ironically the bigoted Alf Garnett character)...etc etc

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just in case anybody has got the wrong end of the stick, Jesus was of course a Jew. Unlike the later Christian and Muslim usurpers of the idea of any monotheistic faith, it passes in the matrineal line. Jesus's mother was Jew, that makes him a Jew for all time, unless he willfully converts to something else**. It's mater, not pater, mother, not father, that carries the Judaic tradition through - this is a distinguishing feature of Judaism.

** Nope. Judaism has the same procedure as Hotel California- you can never leave!

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according to Harvard Professor Shaye Cohen,it was mainly from the time of the second temple, when Jewish women were being raped by Roman soldiers. The Jewish heritage was passed to the child from its mother.


The line can be traced from the mother (there's normally no dispute about who gave birth to a child, but there can be all kinds of dispute about who fathered a child.)

Nope. Judaism has always been matrilineal since it began at Mount Sinai.

Before then:

a. there was no Judaism as thereupon defined; and

b. proto-Judasim as espoused by Abraham/Isaac/Jacob/etc. was not automatic on birth- so neither Abraham's son Ishmael nor Isaac's son Esau was a Jew as then defined (even though, in both cases, both parents were Jews as then defined).

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