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Setting up WAP on a mobile

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When I clicked 'Home' it said 'check service settings'. I've just had the service settings texted to me today by O2 but don't know where to go next. I've saved them in my settings list and activated them, but still no joy.

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I love wap :D


I even have my own wapsite under construction ;)


but yeah, you need to get them to enable data, you might be better phoning from the landlane and getting them to do it mid-call with you.

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Wap is good, for some stuff (such as checking email when the PC is knackered, or im away from the PC etc.) and reading the news on the tram


i think XHTML browsers on phones are the next step...


imagine that, browsing SF on the tram :D

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Someone already invented it, its called Pocket PC


I can browse the web with my Ipaq, but its a bit slow (9.6k)


IMHO Wap will die like a a Sinclair C5 - remember them?


Wish I had one.:D

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Originally posted by mikey

Someone already invented it, its called Pocket PC


I can browse the web with my Ipaq, but its a bit slow (9.6k)


i know its already "invented" but its not really used on mobiles other than the S-E P800 and the orange SPV

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried ringing the helpline at the weekend and after spending £17 on their 50p per minute line due to them putting me on hold and redirecting me, they still were not able to activate it. They said it should work but there's nothing that can be done til Monday - still nothing happening on my phone. My emails to them are ignored. I don't want to ring the helpline again as it's not helpful. Do I picket the shop on Fargate, even though they cannot help?

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