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Does anyone remember a whale in a case chesterfield road area late sixties


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This is driving my husband mad!In the late sixties he remembers being taken to see a whale in a glass case,(possibly in the back, or ON the back of a lorry.)The whale was dead.It was someone around the bottom of Chesterfield road near Ponsfords.He remembers visiting it several times.Does anyone else remember seeing it or know why it was there?!!!!!!

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I remember being taken to see a whale on the back of a lorry, I can't remember where it was as i was only young, possibly in town somewhere my OH thought I was mad when I mentioned it to him. So I did a bit of searching and found a thread on here it has a link to another site telling all about it. Don't know if this is the same whale as there is no mention of a class case. But possibly worth a look http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=830&highlight=whale

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i remember seeing it. It was in a very big glass fronted case on the back of a "artic" lorry. It was moved around Sheffield center area ,I sawit down near the markets, around Christmas time if i remember correctly ( would be about 6 at the time).

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Thankyou Trinity, I didn't realise this had been on before.Thanks for the links.Thanks to all the replies so far.My husband says it wasn't Jonah, as it was in a glass case and you couldn't go inside it or walk around it inside the lorry.When you think about it now, it seems such a weird thing to do!

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This is driving my husband mad!In the late sixties he remembers being taken to see a whale in a glass case,(possibly in the back, or ON the back of a lorry.)The whale was dead.It was someone around the bottom of Chesterfield road near Ponsfords.He remembers visiting it several times.Does anyone else remember seeing it or know why it was there?!!!!!!


There is a book titled the Barnsley Whale which tells you all about this.I think you can buy it on amazon.

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