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When was the White Lion at Heeley altered


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I know some of the SF members go in this pub and as I was in there last Monday I have a question. As you enter the long back room the bar is now round to the left when it used to be to the right and the majority of the room is now raised up meaning two steps have to be negotiated.. Now I'll admit it may be a few years since I was last in the back room but a lady friend of mine insists that this redesign was done about ten years ago which I simply wont believe. If she's right then the booze must rreally be playing havoc with my memories, I do remember that you had to go up two steps to go to the loo's but the repositioning of the bar and the raising of the entire room floor must be fairly recent surely

Please please please put me out of my misery

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This is just weird I know the last few times I've been in the place I have tended to stay in the little snug right at the front of the pub but feel sure I must of had to go through to use the toilets and simply don't remember the present lay-out at all. I'm so baffled by this apparrent mis-fire of the old grey matter that I've even been on the phone to a couple of old drinking pals who weren't much help as they haven't been in the place for years.

Is it possible that so many years have just flown past and if I hadn't been with a couple of smokers who needed to sit in the rear garden I might never ever of rrealised the back room had changed so much.

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