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New Broomhill Cafe - Cream


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Thank you,, i want hendresons relish status in sheffield for mi ice cream and i am 3 months old and they are 100 years, so im on catch up.


Why not do a Hendersons Relish flavour ice cream? Would get you some publicity at least- the Star would love that story

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We popped in Sat 15th Sept for brunch and sat upstairs.


All the staff seemed really harassed, rushing about and it wasnt that busy.


Ordered two coffees , two breakfasts and a glass of milk for our little boy.


Waited 20 minutes without getting anything.


Were in a hurry so decided to get our money back - girl serving couldnt care less.


The owners will be out of business very quicly I predict.

Shame as they have done a good job with the place.

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I'm not defending the poor service/food/drinks any of you may have had (i havent tried the place myself yet). The prices are high because the rent and rates for that particular unit are outrageous. It will last if they get their act together as it is in the best position in Broomhill.

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We went last week and were left very unimpressed. Somebody described it as bright and airy well it was that and then some. The decor leaves a lot to be desired it was like sitting in an undecorated shell of a room, all cold and soulless. Now i'm thinking if they can charge such steep prices why such little thought to the interior, everything looked cheap and naff.


Now to the food.......nothing of note what so ever. was expecting better things after reading that they wanted to introduce healthy and exciting food. It was just the same old same old.

Also what about this inhouse bakery business if all it churns out is a few burnt croissants and chocolate twists its hardly a "bakery" is it? Our apple crumble took an age to arrive well after our tea started getting cold and when it did it was straight out of the fridge cold with a teaspoon amount of ice cream on top uuughh!

Needless to say it went straihgt back.


Basically i think the owners are taking the p**s out of sheffielders, if they think they can churn out bland food, bland service and bland surroundings at sky high prices.


Can you tell that i liked it?

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Why didn't they make one of the floors a juice bar; which could be lovely hot soup in winter.


Only one type of soup on the menu when I went in.


Such a wonderful space, could be a great venture, but it will take a lot more than they are offering.


There is a cafe called Anita Wronski, in Berlin. This would be a perfect model to follow.


I think the owners need a trip to the continent to find out what a real cafe should be. If they got it right, it could be packed to the rafters from dawn to midnight. If I had the capital I would run the perfect cafe. It seems that very few others can (excet Remo) of course.


Also, the furniture seems out of scale, expecially upstairs. They could get more covers in, with some comfortable, well made furniture.


I wish them lots of luck; I hope they read the posts and make the improvments.


I am available for a consultation.

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I have yet to try out this new place, it is a PRIME position in Broomhill and visible to all and hence is going to be very expensive rent/lease. It should do very well as students will walk past all the time in both directions.........wish I'd thought of this myself actually, it does fill a massive gap in Broomhill, and the potential is vast...


Yes I agree with the poster above, some cafe/galleries in Europe are superb models to work from...there is one fab one in Amsterdam but I can't recall its name......(of course in Amsterdam they could also a certain extra 'something' on their menu (!) but that is not the point) it's about decor, ambience and quality......

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My partner and I have been feeling pangs of jealousy of the lucky person who has managed to get their hands on that building, as we've wistfully watched it's renovation from our fairly low perch on the self employment tree. We certainly couldn't afford that kind of builing and were intrigued to see what they'd make of it.


However, as we know, being in a similar type of business, customer feedback (and taking it on board) is absolutely essential to ensure that such a business goes down the right path. Perhaps some of you who have had a chance to visit could pass a well-intentioned message of encouragement to the owner/manager/anyone who'll listen???


I'm not trying to be nasty, and I realise that this forum is a great way to share valid opinions... but perhaps those opinions could also be shared with the people who can do something about it? Granted, the decor and ambience might be a reasonably permanent fixture, but the manager/owner may not be aware that staff could possibly do with a bit more training???

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