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Old Sheffield Picture Palaces

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I used to go to the Rex cinema at the bottom of Mansfield rd. also one on the arbourthorne estate near the fishing pond, my sister took me there in the thirties.


Also, there was a cinema down Duke st.below Talbot rd. on the left hand side going down. One night, we were sat in there and a choc. Ice came over the top and fell into my lap, I promptly ate it then just after, a girl came to us and asked if we had seen a choc. Ice, We said no as we hadn't any money to buy her another one!!!



The cinema on Duke Street was The Norfolk.

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There is the areis light shop on the corner of greenland road what used to be a picture house called the DARNALL DICK also known as "bug hut" by the locals because when you went in , you would come out with bugs.

Then there was the BALFOUR PICTURE HOUSE which is now the pyramid carpets shop. Both these old buildings are still the same inside only minus the seats and screen. The alcoving in the later is still round the inside of the building.

On ATERCLIFFE there is the old ADELPI PICTURE HOUSE which is now used as a night club. what a shame that these picture houses have since turned in to shops.

My father owned the Darnall Cinema, and yes it was a horrible place, he would never take me, only on rare occasions, and he would stand at the front and shout "lets have some order now", i only went to play with the kittens, and had to sit with an usherette near the front.

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anyone remember the roscoe i think it was near the shalesmoor tram stop my family used to own it i think



I was just thinking 'What was that place called near West Bar'


It must have been the Roscoe.

The balcony was about 4' higher than the pits.


Saw' House of Ushers' there, (I think) Or was it 'Fall of the House of Ushers'.

What with age and Aqua Vita the memory is foggy.

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the hillsborough park (cinema!) is now a Netto supermarket. ugh!



There were two on Barkers Pool ,and The Hippodrome somewhere around Charles St.This used to be a variety theatre.

The picture's was the favourite place for picking up girls when we were 15 & 16.[/qupte]


yes, by the grand hotel. and the gaumont, opposite!




yes, i think you are right, the Eldorado, was on barnsley road, (IIRC)this is now a discount supermarket, underneath,opposite the huntsman pub.

It used to be a carpet showroom, above the supermarket.


Sorry, you are confused here. It was the Essoldo in Barnsley Road at Lane Top, but it did in fact sell Eldorado ice cream. It opened when WW2 was one week old and closed in 1975 and after a great deal of internal work, opened as a bingo/social club. It is now a carpet showroom. The Hunstman was pulled down earlier this year. Opposite that pub is a discount store which is on two floors THIS is the discount supermarket, and is called Job Lot.

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I think The Lansdowne Picture Palace was the original name of the building and as I remember, it was used by Marks & Spencers after the Blitz. The cinema half way down the Moor was the Central and that was used by Atkinsons.




The Central Picture House was gutted by the blitz.

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