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Old Sheffield Picture Palaces

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I think The Lansdowne Picture Palace was the original name of the building and as I remember, it was used by Marks & Spencers after the Blitz. The cinema half way down the Moor was the Central and that was used by Atkinsons.


i remember my mum taking me into the landsdown when it was used by marks and spencers it was really odd, the floor still had the cinema slope, the counters were a normal height at one end, but at the other end it was too high for a five year old to see what was on the counter. i would much rather go round woolworths, or bhs at the side of the palace on union street.the site of atkinsons shop on the moor was a big hole where atkinsons old shop was i remember it was covered with two or three ins of water. just before you reached the area of atcos as we called it, on button lane, there was a waste yard called marsdens they dealt with all sorts of waste paper, rags. rabbit skins,bones, we used to go round the local shops for waste paper and cardboard and take it to marsdens the worst part was to take it to have it weighed, the smell was shocking but it was all forgot when we got our cash, about two bob (10p) between three of us.

ps believe it or not there were fish in atcos only tiddlers but they were there.

Edited by willybite
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  • 2 months later...
Don't think Plaza at Handsworth has been mentioned yet - changed to bingo - possibly still is.

Does anyone remember a cinema down the Moor - left hand side heading out of town? Can remember in 1950s going with my mother to a shop which I think was Atkinson's - they had been bombed out of their store and had a temporary one whilst the new shop was being built. Think the temporary shop must have been a cinema once because I remember it had a sloping floor - anyone else remember anything about this?


The cinema at the bottom of the moor I think was called the Landsdown and at a later date became for a short period of time Marks & Spencers

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The Landsdown cinema was on London Road, not the Moor and became a bingo hall. I do remember the cinema on the Moor, not its name, but on one of the very bad nights of the blitz people were ushered from the cinema to an air raid shelter which took a hit and most were killed. My mother was taking me to this cinema that night, but on the advice of my father we went to the matinee instead. Fortunately for us, or we would have been with the rest!!

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Just a note nomme - the original co-op (S&E) was further up towards Cobden View Rd.


I used to pick up my mums's milk checks there 55 years ago - 81546 was our number and it's a pity I can't remember my current telephone number !!

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Apologies for questioning your spelling hillsboro. I remember, beechnut, going to see 'House of Wax' at the Hippodrome. It was a continuous programme so we were walking out mid film so to speak. We were downstairs and went around to the exit via the front. To see the audience, all attention on the screen, all wearing the same cardboard glasses, had a bizzare quality about it. Made me laugh anyhow.

Anybody see the photographs of the old Odeon cinemas in the Daily Mail? Some terrific buildings there.


hiya i remember the hippodrome showing the house of wax in three d my mates and me used to go to the hippo every monday night always in the gods it cost us 1s0d = 5p.


can anyone imagine the weston on st philips rd having a stage act i remember one in the late fourties early fifties, it was a dog, it was called the brainiest dog in the world, it could add and subtract numbers by tapping out the answer with its paws it was only for ten minutes or so,i remember because the trainer started selling its autographs, it was a dog picture with a paw mark in ink..

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The cinema on the Moor was 'The Central'. I was in that shelter that was hit, I had been to the Empire theatre to see Henry Hall. Henry who? I can hear you say!


hiya i can remember henry hall he was quite a name on variety shows ,and radio, i remember some of the acts from the 40/50s like nat mills and bobbie,( i've got a hole in my bucket),freddy frinton, nat jackley,wilson kepple and betty( the arabian sand dancers ) , later lita rosa,frankie vaughan,shirley bassey,bill maynard and terry scott, tommy steel and the steel men l, cliff richard and the shadows eddie calvert ,acker bilk, all seen from the gods,at the second house showing i remember having to wait in the cages as we called them up the stairs.

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