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Old Sheffield Picture Palaces

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The last time that I went to the 'Unity' was to see 'The Vikings'. It was colder inside than outside in winter!! Does anyone remember 'The Oxford' at Upperthorpe?


I used to go to see the Sat. Morn. mattinees there (Oxford), Roy Rodgers, Flash Gordon Etc. must have been around '58-60. The Unity was the one that had bare plywood seats which I think were spring-loaded so would snap back when you stood up, what a racket!

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I used to go to see the Sat. Morn. mattinees there (Oxford), Roy Rodgers, Flash Gordon Etc. must have been around '58-60. The Unity was the one that had bare plywood seats which I think were spring-loaded so would snap back when you stood up, what a racket!


I used to see the same films at the 'Roscoe'. Was really annoyed one Saturday when we arrived a bit late, we were told that the cinema was full so we actually missed an episode of 'Flash Gordon'. What a tragedy!!

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I used to see the same films at the 'Roscoe'. Was really annoyed one Saturday when we arrived a bit late, we were told that the cinema was full so we actually missed an episode of 'Flash Gordon'. What a tragedy!!


I lived in Lower Walkley and we would walk or use the bus to: the Phoenix, Hillboro Kinema and Park cinema, Unity, Walkley Palladium, Oxford, Roscoe, occasionally The Don and the Weston. Sometimes we would start at one cinema for the "first house" and travel to another for the second.

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The Palace in Woodhouse saw Rock around the Clock and Shane there aaaah happy days:)


As a kid, I just remember seeing Rock around the Clock; that film kicked it all off, music since was never the same!

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I have a vague memory of Sunday nights in the 50's & 60"s being over 18's only, does anyone remember this. I am sure I remember queuing outside the Wicker hoping that they wouldn't ask my age, I was sure that my long dangly earrings, which were pictures of Elvis in a gold frames, would make me look older, oh my god I really must remember those earrings when I laugh at the tat that some of the youngsters wear today.

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Sunday cinemas started about 47/8. I was 15/16 then & can remember going to the cinema with no problem. If there was an age restriction maybe it was 16 yrs old but can't vouch for that.

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