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Old Sheffield Picture Palaces

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Originally posted by RoyalRegular

Was it the Elderado on Barnsley Rd just below Sheffield lane top?

I remember going there by myself when I was about 15 .



It was actually the Essaldo!


Sorry no. It was the Essoldo.

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The Gaumont had distinguished red curtains in front of the screen.

They used to lift up and down and they had a sort of loopy draping design (hard to describe) but Sheffield painters and decorators used to say (when a painting job had gone wrong and the paint had started to sag and run) That the result looked like "THE GAUMONT CURTAINS".

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  • 4 weeks later...

No one has mentioned the News Theatre in Fitzalan Sq. All news, cartoons and weekly serials. You could sit in there all day for a bob or perhaps one and a tanner. The Star on Ecclesall Rd. Ah yes... It was the only cinema in Sheffield that opened on a Sunday in the mid fifties. Everyone would go to the 'first house' on Sunday evenings regardless what was showing then anything up to a couple of hundred teenagers wandered up to Endcliffe Park winter and summer. Now in my late 60s so cant remember what we did when we got there. A mate fell in the river 'cos during the week they had altered the path and he kept on walking... Another favourite was the Wicker where at one time they showed nothing else but post war black and white FRENCH films. This was pre Bardot and I remember my heroes being Jean Servais and Raymond Pelligrin - every scene they appeared in they had trilby hats and fags hanging out of the corner of their mouths. Only trouble was when you came out you got dodgy looks from passers by 'cos if you went to the Wicker to see French films you were 'a dirty little sod'. Any more dls's out there?

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  • 2 weeks later...

has anyone mentioned the Coliseum which was on Spital Hill, I went to see "The Young Ones" there and remember being jealous of Cliff getting all those lovely girls. At the Roscoe at Shalesmoor for the Saturday Morning session, (Hopalong, Zorro, Cisco Kid etc) if it was your birthday they put you on the stage and you got a prezzie. Also saw a yo-yo demonstration there.

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Keep the memories coming ! Is anyone collating this info on old cinemas? There is one more not mentioned I don't believe. Way, way back me and a mate went to see a film called 'Pick Up On South Street' starring a young Richard Widmark. It was a good omen for some serious bird pulling or whatever we called it back then 'cos it was being shewn at the Park Cinema on South Street. It was an old part of Sheffield on a hill behind the Midland Station. Last seen it was grassed over. Spent the whole film twisting and turning our necks looking for birds but no luck. No Pick Up On South Street for us !!!! ANTHONY.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by little malc

The cinema at Sheffield Lane Top was originally The Capitol, then changed to the Essoldo. It is now a carpet saleroom, but is still as original inside, it was one of the last suburban cinamas to close.

talking about carpets at the capital i used to go on a saturday afternoon the carpets was about 2 inches deep that was in the war years 2 pence to go in old money had to deliver papers to get it no running to your parents saying can i

all the best

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