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Forum to open upstairs pool room


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Originally posted by ZEDEX48K

If anyone has ever been to the Elbow Rooms in Leeds then I hope it will be like that.


Yeah that's a great little venue. Unfortunately I doubt whether this will be of the same standard, but it's still a good idea..

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I wonder if they will have the burley bouncers on the door for the pool room to make sure you are wearing the 'in' designer wear..if your not dressed head to foot in the trendy stuff they sell accross the road..' ya not comin in'

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  • 8 months later...

I had a look round The Common Room (as the pool hall is to be called) and was well impressed even though non of the fixtures n fittings are in yet.but its already looking really impressive! I dont think its gonna have a problem competing with The Elbow Room.

As for having the "Dev Green Kids" in during the day ive only got 3 words for you.....








How would you make "a killing" out of 17 year olds who get £5 a week pocket money???

Its gonna be a bar so over 18's only (a lot of you will be pleased to hear!)

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Guest NicolaE

i first heard they were going to have a pool hall about 5 years ago when the upstairs part first closed. I think its a good idea, the forums been in decline for a while now, its bout time it got something new.

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