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Mark does it to me. Doesn't matter if you're in the bath, on the loo:? or washing up with your hands elbow deep in suds. He always gives me the phone.:?


As for cold calling, I'm on tps so don't get many now. Used to have wicked moments tho...Apparently I sound like a small child on the phone, so when they (invariably) asked to speak to my parents without finding out who I was, I would tell them no and say I didn't know where they were( I know, very bad of me). Or say okay and walk off leaving the phone on the table in a typical child way, or give them my father's long distance phone number:twisted:

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Originally posted by robh

Register with http://www.tpsonline.org.uk/tpsC/html/default.asp

then for any future telesales calls, if you log time date caller etc and send a report in they are subject to a fine of up to £5000. (Unfortunately you don't get the money).


Brilliant. I hadn't heard of this at all. I urge EVERYONE to register, and convince these idiots to stop trying to sell us guff over the phone.

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