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What is your best clubbing experience?


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Vague at the Warehouse in Leeds was musically good in the early/mid 90's. As a straight person I could completely get what they were doing.


I went to Vague once and yes it was a good night. I think I may have been spoilt with my exploits in NY at an early age, as I always maintained the gay house scene played the best house music. However when I came back to the UK the music which alot gay nights played were always secondary to the glam thing in most cases. Vague and Trash were exceptions as they had a good music policy.

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Rise at the Leadmill in '97/'98 when Da Hool 'Meet Her at the Love Parade' had just come out.


GC Boxing Day '98, PVD 6 hour set. The top 'cage', sat with all my mates, doing naughty things with the bouncers turning a blind eye and just checking out all the skirt! Coming outside hammered 8 hours later and it snowing. Unbelievable!

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Rise at the Leadmill in '97/'98 when Da Hool 'Meet Her at the Love Parade' had just come out.


GC Boxing Day '98, PVD 6 hour set. The top 'cage', sat with all my mates, doing naughty things with the bouncers turning a blind eye and just checking out all the skirt! Coming outside hammered 8 hours later and it snowing. Unbelievable!


Did PVD manage to do 8hrs without his laptop breaking down that night?

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I went to Vague once and yes it was a good night. I think I may have been spoilt with my exploits in NY at an early age, as I always maintained the gay house scene played the best house music. However when I came back to the UK the music which alot gay nights played were always secondary to the glam thing in most cases. Vague and Trash were exceptions as they had a good music policy.


Yes, unfortunately the gays of the UK have never quite got it like in the US. Whilst they get Larry Levan and the Paradise garage we get G A Y and appearances by Steps and McFly. Good job us straights jumped on the house music bandwagon so early on.

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Spectrum, Heaven, The Trip, Astoria, both London in Summer 1988, Yikes, Slough Centre 1989,then later Strawberry Sundae, Vauxhall or Sunnyside Up/Mind Over Matter, London both mid-late '90s were all top nights....

... but for a night that had it all...nice weather, sensation overload, great music, feeling you were at the heart of something culturally significant, amazing vibe, and just down the road from where I was living at the time it probably has to be Sunrise's Midsummer Nights Dream at White Waltham in June 1989...the sheer intensity of this night was recently rekindled for me when I found a clip of it on the Hardcore Will Never Die website, I never even knew anyone had videoed it till this year ...if you ever want to know what the legendary Acid House Summers of 1988/89 were really like just take a look at this....

****** mental matey as we used to say back in the day...

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Yes, unfortunately the gays of the UK have never quite got it like in the US. Whilst they get Larry Levan and the Paradise garage we get G A Y and appearances by Steps and McFly. Good job us straights jumped on the house music bandwagon so early on.
I disagree, the Dot Cotton Club in cambridge was a gay night and had the best music in town and was all about the music.
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