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Whiplash compensation

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My mum told me that there has been recent legislation to cap this and that it stops at around 1K. Whether it's actually come in to effect yet, I don't know. I know someone who got 1.5K a few months ago, but someone else admitted responsibility through dangerous driving, so it wasn't classed as an 'accident' as such.

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my stepdad does non fault accident claims for a living (well he sorts out the courtesy cars for the non-fault driver)


and the most you can get for the injuries is 1k but you get more for expenses and damaged goods on top of that so the end claim can be around 1,5 to 2k


just make sure you keep copies of everything as they will pretend to lose reciepts to keep the costs down.

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my stepdad does non fault accident claims for a living (well he sorts out the courtesy cars for the non-fault driver)


and the most you can get for the injuries is 1k but you get more for expenses and damaged goods on top of that so the end claim can be around 1,5 to 2k


just make sure you keep copies of everything as they will pretend to lose reciepts to keep the costs down.


im self employed what happens about that the doc as told me to keep of work for two weeks becouse i have a strenuous job

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  • 2 years later...

On November 18th 2009 we were rear ended at an M1 roundabout, the other car powered into us at speed, liabilty was accepted by the other side immediately.

Since the accident I've suffered severe tinitus, lower back impact problems ie numb toes, neck problems and worst of all this week I've undergone surgery to my right shoulder.

The doctor that my insurance company sent us to was totaly useless stating that all our problems would clear up on their own with time.

On this doctors report my wife accepted £3600 compensation + expenses, she is still undergoing treatment.

I was offered £4100 + expenses, thankfuly I refused, quite frankly I found the offer insulting, I've had 10 months of severe pain and very little sleep at night, I certainly should not have been undergoing manipulative physiotherapy on my damaged shoulder.

Do not fall into the quick offer trap

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as anybody had compensation for whiplash and what is the average payout:roll:

It depends completely on the extent of you injuries, my insurance companys solicitor told us that the basic amount these days for simple whiplash is around £3500.

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In fact it isn't a bad idea to immediately go to your own doctor, then see theirs afterwards - then if their doctor is making your symptoms sound better than they are, you already have proof that the insurance company is being very dodgy.
We were treat at the scene by paramedics and following that at accident and emergency, the next day we visited our GP, this was follwed by an examination 6 weeks later by the insurance companys doctor.

The impression that we picked up from the insurance companys doctor and even our own GP practice was that of companesation chasers.

It took 6 months before my GP refered me to the Orthopeadics, Audiology and ENT Depts.

I have tinitus and loss of hearing for life due to the impact on the headrest, the hospital couldbn't believe that the insurance companys doctor said in his report that tinitus and loss of hearing would clear up in a few months.

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What is happening now then - have they made any further offers or are they saying that is their final offer?

No that was their only offer to date but my solicitor advised declining the offer, as I type this I'm crouched over my keyboard due to my right arm being in a sling, in pain, and feeling quite sorry for myself (the operation was only 3 days ago).

I start physio at the hospital next week and don't go back to the surgeon for 6 weeks.

In actual fact my solicitor implied that he believed my own GP practice had be to some extent negligent in taking so long to get me treatment.

I certainly would not have put up with this pain I'm currently in to get a few more grand compansation.

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