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Is Sheffield good for a night out? Why do other places seem better?


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You have the knowledge, contacts, experience and records to make it work, why don't you get a night like this running?


Because, I would want the full backing of the management and the authorities to do it. There is a political agenda that prevents this from happening in Sheffield. I have just been to Manchester (Sugar Lounge) and it was absolutely buzzing. The dj was below average but the clientelle were proper clubbers, there were a few celebs in there (Coronation street cast), it was rocking. Thats because the door men are very professional and are not scared of dealing with the thugs and chavs. In Sheffield door men can not deal with them and allow the thugs in the club. Thats why I would not want to do a proper cool night in Sheffield. Maybe in the future, you never know....;)

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Because, I would want the full backing of the management and the authorities to do it. There is a political agenda that prevents this from happening in Sheffield.


Blimey! Thats quite heavy duty.


Friends who put nights on just hire the venue, get some Djs, print some flyers, do some publicity and have a party...


Just curious to know what the political agenda is?

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Blimey! Thats quite heavy duty.


Friends who put nights on just hire the venue, get some Djs, print some flyers, do some publicity and have a party...


Just curious to know what the political agenda is?


Because unfortunately the night would also attract the idiots, which happens time and time again. Sheffield door teams are probably the worst at dealing with these thugs and SYP are even more scared. Trust me, there is so much crap regarding this that it begs to differ. eg) Niche / Vibe has had so much violence and high volume of incidents that they have to have police surveying and it still kicks off. If it was any other promoter this would be long closed down a long time ago..... Because of who he is and his status and the amount of money he makes, police are happy for the events to go on. Which personally I am happy because all the idiots can go there, however there is always 1 or 2 that slip through the net and will spoil for the rest of the crowd. When I have done my events in the past, I have always attracted fit women and a high standard of entertainment be it party or underground. To have it spoiled by the 1 -5 out of 500 makes you wonder, someone is not doing there job properly. The doorman because they are too scared to deal with the idiots believing by letting them in for free will make them behave.

The sad irony when people do put the average night on, it attracts the violence then everyone says typical urban night. Nobody wants to deal with the problem. If the police can deal football hooligans then they can deal with the idiots as they are much smaller minority.

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Very puzzling. :huh:

& retard is not a nice thing to say


Sorry - this was directed at agent **** - not at you. It is easy to be sarcastic but i notice that nothing sensible was posted. This is because Sheffield is 3rd rate and no matter what ppl think there is nothing to defend Sheffield with. There are no quality clubs here, no quality restaurants, pubs, shops, football teams etc. Most of the populus are 3rd rate and deserve what they get, overshadowed by Leeds and Manchester - two cities which knock spots off Sheffield in every way whether you like it or not - the money is not in Sheffield and money talks.

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Sorry - this was directed at agent **** - not at you. It is easy to be sarcastic but i notice that nothing sensible was posted. This is because Sheffield is 3rd rate and no matter what ppl think there is nothing to defend Sheffield with. There are no quality clubs here, no quality restaurants, pubs, shops, football teams etc. Most of the populus are 3rd rate and deserve what they get, overshadowed by Leeds and Manchester - two cities which knock spots off Sheffield in every way whether you like it or not - the money is not in Sheffield and money talks.


why don't you move if you feel that strongly? :huh:

I agree that Sheffield can't really be compared to Manchester but as for it not having any decent restaurants, clubs, pubs etc....********!!

I also find Sheffield folk to be very friendly, faaaaaaar friendlier than Leeds say, and that really makes the city :)

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Sorry - this was directed at agent **** - not at you. It is easy to be sarcastic but i notice that nothing sensible was posted. This is because Sheffield is 3rd rate and no matter what ppl think there is nothing to defend Sheffield with. There are no quality clubs here, no quality restaurants, pubs, shops, football teams etc. Most of the populus are 3rd rate and deserve what they get, overshadowed by Leeds and Manchester - two cities which knock spots off Sheffield in every way whether you like it or not - the money is not in Sheffield and money talks.



I'd be very surprised if you've actually been to that many places in Sheffield. It sounds like you've been out a few times, decided you don't like it, and now feel you have some kind of point to prove. And you aren't doing very well. Bless.

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why don't you move if you feel that strongly? :huh:

I agree that Sheffield can't really be compared to Manchester but as for it not having any decent restaurants, clubs, pubs etc....********!!

I also find Sheffield folk to be very friendly, faaaaaaar friendlier than Leeds say, and that really makes the city :)


Thats pathetic retaliation to a thread.

I have to agree when it comes to going out Sheffield is 3rd rate compared to a lot of cities. I think this is not only due to the lack of clubs but the economy also. Considering Sheffield is the 4th largest city it has around 10 night clubs. Thats very poor.

Hull on a Friday night is far vibrant than Sheffield on Friday. Even Doncaster on Sunday puts Sheffield to Shame. The only saving grace is DQ on a sunday, even though it musically sucks, but people like it so I can not diss it.

Sheffield can not be compared to Liverpool, Newcastle, Nottingham and I even suspect Leicester. There is just better quality nights and more variety. I think thats the key word here variety....

The problem also in Sheffield is clubs do not work together to make Sheffield a better place. Everyone is competing against one another and fighting for trade, rather than working a strategy to get more people out and about.

The first thing Sheffield needs to do to is tidy up the city centre because it looks a disgrace with the road works.

Then tidy up the clientelle because far too many chavs are coming into the city centre when they are not even old enough or mature.

3rdly the door teams are crap, period.

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