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Is Sheffield good for a night out? Why do other places seem better?


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Thats pathetic retaliation to a thread.

I have to agree when it comes to going out Sheffield is 3rd rate compared to a lot of cities. I think this is not only due to the lack of clubs but the economy also. Considering Sheffield is the 4th largest city it has around 10 night clubs. Thats very poor.

Hull on a Friday night is far vibrant than Sheffield on Friday. Even Doncaster on Sunday puts Sheffield to Shame. The only saving grace is DQ on a sunday, even though it musically sucks, but people like it so I can not diss it.

Sheffield can not be compared to Liverpool, Newcastle, Nottingham and I even suspect Leicester. There is just better quality nights and more variety. I think thats the key word here variety....

The problem also in Sheffield is clubs do not work together to make Sheffield a better place. Everyone is competing against one another and fighting for trade, rather than working a strategy to get more people out and about.

The first thing Sheffield needs to do to is tidy up the city centre because it looks a disgrace with the road works.

Then tidy up the clientelle because far too many chavs are coming into the city centre when they are not even old enough or mature.

3rdly the door teams are crap, period.


Jesus Christ G you don't half like to try and get people riled! ;)

Aaaaaaaanyway, without biting, the point I was trying to make was that beegee doesn't seem to see ANY good in Sheffield when to be fair, I've lived throughout the UK and have stopped here for almost ten years so I think the city has a lot to offer.

ok so the nightlife aint that great, the music your into is badly represented, but there's a lot of **** going on thats really exciting at the moment...some of these nights run by people you know!!

I don't see whats pathetic :huh:

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...Vibe has had so much violence and high volume of incidents that they have to have police surveying and it still kicks off.

So actually how 'much violence' has kicked off down there, forgetting rumours etc.? Let's have the facts then. :roll:

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So actually how 'much violence' has kicked off down there, forgetting rumours etc.? Let's have the facts then. :roll:


Mez, come on mate show some common sense. We all know that Vibe has had a reputation in its shady past. Even back in the Niche days. Things are better but I don't need to get in to a argument about it being rough because, it is unfortunately. Only 2% of 4/4 garage now I really like but the rest of it lacks creativity and it reflects the crowd I'm afraid. Bring back Tuff Jam and Todd Edwards please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jesus Christ G you don't half like to try and get people riled! ;)

Aaaaaaaanyway, without biting, the point I was trying to make was that beegee doesn't seem to see ANY good in Sheffield when to be fair, I've lived throughout the UK and have stopped here for almost ten years so I think the city has a lot to offer.

ok so the nightlife aint that great, the music your into is badly represented, but there's a lot of **** going on thats really exciting at the moment...some of these nights run by people you know!!

I don't see whats pathetic :huh:


Hey, not trying riled you up. Just thought the name calling was out of order.

As you are not from Sheffield you would not know the frustrations of us born n bred to see our city under achieve. Dont get me wrong in the clubbing scene we was once up there at the top but since early 2000 we have dropped in the league.

Sorry but even the people I know that are doing things that are tried and tested and lacks creativity.

You hit the nail on the head though, I am into a lot of music that is badly represented. (Deep house, old skool house, Reggae, underground hip hop, rare groove, jazz, neo soul) Where can I find that on a weekend in a quality club. All the cities I have mentioned earlier represent this strong. Unlike Sheffield.

I meet Sheffield people everytime I play in Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and they moan the same old arguement about Sheffield. The fact is there are so many people venturing out of town purely based on this fact.

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There are some good things about Sheffield. For instance, few people who live here are aware that we have the largest theatre complex in the UK outside London. In a way agent **** is right - my desire to go out now is fast disappearing, but is this cause or effect? I certainly don't feel that I have a point to prove by saying Sheffield is 3rd rate. I just think it is true and certainly the economy has a lot to do with that. There are a lot of people who look at Sheffield with rose tinted glasses. Incidentally Del Monte has hit the nail on the head, I am actually so fed up with Sheffield that I am going to live elsewhere as soon as I can. This is not due to getting a good night out though - it is the demise of my home city in general so not completely relevant just to this thread. Sorry if I riled anyone - suppose I can be a grumpy bugalugs sometimes.

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fair play if thats how you feel beegee and best of luck to you :)


G, think we're getting our wires crossed cos there was no name calling...the ******** at the end was 'Bo!!ocks' not anything directed at the lad personally.

Didn't wade into this on a purely nightlife tip anyway but can see what your saying. There's plenty of nights I buzz off in Sheffield but yep, can see that what your into is underepresented.

Keep on keeping on fella :)

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Mez, come on mate show some common sense. We all know that Vibe has had a reputation in its shady past. Even back in the Niche days. Things are better but I don't need to get in to a argument about it being rough because, it is unfortunately. Only 2% of 4/4 garage now I really like but the rest of it lacks creativity and it reflects the crowd I'm afraid. Bring back Tuff Jam and Todd Edwards please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My point was that 'violence' possibly wasn't the best word to use. ;) And I agree, Tuff Jam and Todd Edwards are top producers. Not everything that is coming out now will be your cup of tea, it sure isn't mine, but there's still a very varied selection of music being produced if you look hard enough into the scene, alot of which reflects older styles which both you and I still love. I just think it's very easy for some people to over generalise when it comes to Speed Garage.

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My point was that 'violence' possibly wasn't the best word to use. ;) And I agree, Tuff Jam and Todd Edwards are top producers. Not everything that is coming out now will be your cup of tea, it sure isn't mine, but there's still a very varied selection of music being produced if you look hard enough into the scene, alot of which reflects older styles which both you and I still love. I just think it's very easy for some people to over generalise when it comes to Speed Garage.
Speed garage is like marmite though. you either get it and love it or you don't. You know that for me personally I think theres a tiny percentage thats actually good and worth hearing and the rest is just soulless badly produced unimaginative rubbish. You can argue that about any genre but SG really should be more popular than it is because girls usually love it but the reputation of Vibe puts people off. Wether that reputation is deserved is an argument for another thread.


All of that said though Vibe is extremely important to sheffields clubbing scene. there is no other club in sheffield that attracts clubbers from all over the country on a weekly basis. There is also not many other clubs in sheffield that are as full as Vibe on a weekly basis.

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