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Is Sheffield good for a night out? Why do other places seem better?


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Speed garage is like marmite though. you either get it and love it or you don't. You know that for me personally I think theres a tiny percentage thats actually good and worth hearing and the rest is just soulless badly produced unimaginative rubbish. You can argue that about any genre but SG really should be more popular than it is because girls usually love it but the reputation of Vibe puts people off. Wether that reputation is deserved is an argument for another thread.


All of that said though Vibe is extremely important to sheffields clubbing scene. there is no other club in sheffield that attracts clubbers from all over the country on a weekly basis. There is also not many other clubs in sheffield that are as full as Vibe on a weekly basis.


Spot on. Worddddddd to the mutha

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i might be wrong, but is another factor in this that the transport between these other cities that people cite as better and sheffield, is rubbish!


not that the train companies are likely to run later services in order to transport people who've been out to bars and clubs.


how can people travel to Sheffield for a night out if the only feasable mode of transport is by car?


*EDIT* meant to say that i think it's unlikely train companies would put on extra services SPECIFICALLY for people coming back from a night out.

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I heard that last years was good but didn't it get some stick for being a crap venue relying on big name DJs to pull in the punters? Just what I heard on the grapevine though, might be totally wrong. Looking forward to this one though, Boys Noize were mint at UG the other month and of course soulwax are legends.

I love Sankeys and the nights they put on, Axwell was amazing there, one of the best nights out ive had in a long while. The basement is a shining example of a perfect clubbing room! Great soundsystem, great lights, great layout etc etc.

And of course, crazy poets. Genius.


Sorry ended up on wrong thread some how!!!!

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i might be wrong, but is another factor in this that the transport between these other cities that people cite as better and sheffield, is rubbish!


not that the train companies are likely to run later services in order to transport people who've been out to bars and clubs.


how can people travel to Sheffield for a night out if the only feasable mode of transport is by car?


*EDIT* meant to say that i think it's unlikely train companies would put on extra services SPECIFICALLY for people coming back from a night out.


ABSOLUTELY NOT. There is a late night train service return Manchester and Leeds. I know because I caught it to Manchester last week amongst a host of many Sheffielders. Not many clubbers want to come to Sheffield unless they want Vibe (which most go by car) or Embrace.

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ABSOLUTELY NOT. There is a late night train service return Manchester and Leeds. I know because I caught it to Manchester last week amongst a host of many Sheffielders. Not many clubbers want to come to Sheffield unless they want Vibe (which most go by car) or Embrace.


Why the hell would anyone travel from another city to go to Embrace?

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