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Where to meet people like me?


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Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this but mods please move it if not!


Basically I am a 22 year old girl looking to meet some people similar to myself, like-minded etc, and into the same music etc. (I'm very into hip hop like Def Jux, Aesop Rock, Warp, MF Doom, etc etc)


I've been and gone to uni, met some lovely people there who I love and class as friends for life, but we have different tastes and when it comes to going to gigs I basically have nobody to go with and I'd feel far too shy and self concious to go it alone.


SO what I'm basically asking is, where would someone like me meet new people? I am having a bit of a rough time at the moment, feeling a bit lonely and would really love to make some new friends, whatever their interests, I don't know many people in Sheffield and I thought a good place for some advice would be here. Thanks :)

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Hello there Herself........but by only wanting to meet people like you means you miss out on all the weird and wonderful people here on SF.....look in the evenings out section and join an SF meet...you may find people with similar interests and you may find some of us that are odd - but strangely normal - but fun to be with anyway.....look forward to seeing you out and about sometime :D

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Evening love!:wave:


a good place to start would be tuning into The United Nations Hip Hop Show tonight from ten on http://www.sheffieldlive.org although the sounds are from all around the world, the underground steez your into is well represented :) Mel keeps you up to date with all thats going on with the local underground hip hop scene.


as well as Dulo, I'd say The Runaway Girl and The Harley also represent on certain nights. On the third sat of every month is The Wall of Balls at The Harley, although we're all into MF Doom etc we don't play that much of it cos we concentrate on the funk and hip hop that'll fills the dancefloor, but with your sort of tastes I can almost guarantee you'll enjoy it! Come and say hello we're a friendly bunch :thumbsup: Next WOB is Oct 20th with Deadly Avenger.

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I don't know if Razor Stiletto might be your thing; a night with a gregarious crowd of people mostly around your age, at DQ, on the first Saturday every month. The next one is Sat. October 6th, and the entertainment includes mainly noisy indie/alternative/ hip hop music!

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If you're interested, Im 33 and on the 25th October, Im going to Bar Abbey to a comedy night. Cheap night. £2 on door .

My mate mimi will be there.....also called Lindsay, who is 22 and plays in a ska band and works at the vine pub. Crazy chicks night out i guess. You could tag along?


Pm me if interested Kate.


Lindsay is well into music and could point you in the right direction:thumbsup:

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