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Ryegate children's convalesence


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Ryegate was at the top of Shore Lane, just off Manchester Road between Broomhill and Crosspool.

When I went there (as a student) it was a centre for autism and children with severe learning difficulties.


I wonder if you are confusing it with Thornbury Annexe (now a private hospital) which was indeed a convalescent centre from the Children's Hospital- though I don't remember the caravan.


When were you there?

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Ryegate is infact still up and running, my eldest attends frequent appointments there. There is still a residential unit, it's an old stone building in the middle of the grounds. Possibly the original Ryegate house?

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Im sure it was Ryegate. I am talking late 50s early 60s.


Sheffield Childrens in those days was a bit bleak - fantastic medical care but it wasn't unusual for children to be kept in hospital for a month or more for illnesses that, these days, wouldn't even rate a stay in hospital. ENT Ward 4 was particularly horrible, with a very nasty Sister (Brown, I think) who instead of loving and caring for her children, treat them like prisoners.


Visiting hours were only 6pm to 6.30 everyday which was pretty grim for a small child. My parents didnt have a car in those days and it took almost 2 hours for them to get to and from the hospital. I still have memories of sobbing because Mummy had gone so soon.


We weren't allowed to wear our own clothes. I have pictures which my mother cant bear to look at because she thinks I look like a child in the workhouse or an orphanage


Sometimes we allowed across the road to kick a ball for a little while but apart from that places like Ryegate were like a holiday!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, I remember Rygate. I broke my leg in 1965,and was incarcerated in the childrens hospital,yes, nasty sisters and matrons. I had my leg in a sort of caliper with a leather ring round the top, which cut into my skin and left an open wound,I was 9 years old. I am now 51 and have a lovely nine inch scar on my backside as a keepsake. when I was moved to Rygate it was like heaven, the nurses were angels and cleared up my sore in no time,they also taught me how to walk again. I shall never forget them...:love:

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  • 2 weeks later...

helbco you were right my brother in law was sent there about thirty years ogo he fell out of a tree and was sent there by the childrens hospital .to converless.thornboro annexe was an isolation hospital when my son was suspected of having meningitus he was sent there we could only look at him through the glass windows of his room it was up manchester road as well it had a long winding driveway ,when my son was in it was the winter of 79 we couldnt get up the driveway in a car because it was too steep and covered in snow so we had to walk all the way up we needed a hospital by the time we got up there our legs ached.he was in for about two weeks so we lost quite a bit of weight walking up that driveway

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