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What Are The Most Soulless Towns Or Place In The UK

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i mean places like the Mosborough Townships to the south of Sheffield and towns like Milton Keynes etc


I'll start with a place called Harlow in Basildon Essex, this town must be one the most soulless places ever, it has the most boring unimaginative buildings landscaped area i have ever visited. Retail parks, Barrat Homes and 60's architecture all contribute to the make up of the town. There's no character, individuality in the buldings, the shops, and houses, it's somewhere that could easily be mistaken for dozens of bland places across the country, just that bit more land than most other similar places.


Where's the most bland soullesss place you'e ever been to?




Rotherham-I went there once, it was closed:hihi:

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Prestbury in Cheshire -absolute millionaires' paradise, simply not the real world. Gentled cobbled speedbumps, no streetlamps, luxury car dealership, refused (according to rumour) to allow an Oxfam or a chipshop to be opened because it would reduce the status of the village. Drive through in an old banger and people look at you like you're a piece of s*** and glower at you!


http://www.travelintelligence.net/wsd/articles/art_1001210.html Spot on!

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I nominate (H)Ellsmere Port. It stinks...literally. The council there have an Airwatch phone line for anybody worried about the niffiness :gag::gag::gag:


And just look at the winners of their photography competition to show the best and worst aspects of the town Ellesmere Port


Sheffield aint lookin too bad now is it? :hihi:




That photo competition is worthy of The Framley Examiner. :hihi:


And that fountain looks familiar, in its base concept, at least... :suspect:


I'm feeling mighty fortunate in my choice of hometowns, now - although Seasalter from my growing-up has to be the worst place to have as a local beach; shingle made of crushed seashells, like walking on broken glass, and the sea half a mile away across silty mudflats and sinky mud with nothing but a sewage outfall for company. No facilities, and no views except of some rusting old WW2 forts collapsing into the Thames Estuary. You can't go for a walk because there's a dual carriageway barring progress, one with the highest fatality rate in the county and no pedestrian crossings.


I too recommend the Crap Towns book. Just the ticket every time you feel fed up with life in Sheffield: it could be so much worse...

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i mean places like the Mosborough Townships to the south of Sheffield and towns like Milton Keynes etc


I'll start with a place called Harlow in Basildon Essex, this town must be one the most soulless places ever, it has the most boring unimaginative buildings landscaped area i have ever visited. Retail parks, Barrat Homes and 60's architecture all contribute to the make up of the town. There's no character, individuality in the buldings, the shops, and houses, it's somewhere that could easily be mistaken for dozens of bland places across the country, just that bit more land than most other similar places.


Where's the most bland soullesss place you'e ever been to?


When I saw this I could'nt stop laughing my OH is from Harlow and he moved here to get away from the place. I agree its the most awful place, we have friends who still live there and they hate it.


They visit Sheffield sometimes and love it here they are also thinking about moving to Sheffield.

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Another vote for Coventry, horrible place.


Edna! You clearly weren't going to the right places in Leicester!



No I suppose a walk between the ibis and the clock tower each day was hardly a full picture of the city. (sex shops, chip shops and charity shops.) As I was staying on my own, I also got to know the inside of the pizza hut quite well as well. I was truly Alan Partridge.

I did go to quite a nice mexican once and the place around ask was ok. But even my mate from Hinkley doesn't really like it, though he went to uni there.

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That photo competition is worthy of The Framley Examiner. :hihi:


And that fountain looks familiar, in its base concept, at least... :suspect:


I'm feeling mighty fortunate in my choice of hometowns, now - although Seasalter from my growing-up has to be the worst place to have as a local beach; shingle made of crushed seashells, like walking on broken glass, and the sea half a mile away across silty mudflats and sinky mud with nothing but a sewage outfall for company. No facilities, and no views except of some rusting old WW2 forts collapsing into the Thames Estuary. You can't go for a walk because there's a dual carriageway barring progress, one with the highest fatality rate in the county and no pedestrian crossings.


I too recommend the Crap Towns book. Just the ticket every time you feel fed up with life in Sheffield: it could be so much worse...


Bloody hell! Seasalter! We used to holiday in Whitstable when I was a kid, and I thought Tankerton was the armpits of Kent until I walked up to Seasalter. Sittingbourne is good for a laugh too.


It says a lot about the excitement of living in North Kent, when the main pastime seemed to be playing 'chicken' on the Thanet Way.

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