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What Are The Most Soulless Towns Or Place In The UK

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surprisingly, I actually found the people there overall to be quite pleasant and cheerful, which part of Harlow did you live in?


Sumners, I then moved to an area a bit closer to town, just down from Staple Tye. I was fed up of wanna be gangsters and cockneys, I worked with a bloke who had to remind me everyday that he was born within a bloody mile of the Bow Bells. Don't get me wrong there were a few nice people but they were very few and far between. Looking back, everything about the place was lousy, the crappy retail park, the city centre was shoddy, the library wasn't too bad, look at it this way, I hated the place that much I paid £200 for a cab home.

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  • 8 years later...

Mawdesley, Lancashire.


Mawdesley is a tiny obscure, featureless, desolate, lifeless enclave for aging snobby Range Rover commuters and inbred Tories in the flattest most featureless, inbred corner of Lancashire.


Only people who hate life and humanity would choose to live in Mawdesley. It's like a rural prison. The surrounding "countryside" must rate as some of the most drab and featureless in the whole of Britain. It is intensively farmed drained bog land. There are no natural features, no streams, no rivers, hills. Just a flat grey bleakness.


The village, (it's not even worthy of calling a village) consists of one tiny expensive shop that's mostly shut and a grotty pub, also mostly shut, frequented by inbred tories. And that's your lot. The nearest town is at least a 40 minute drive away. Once in that town - tell anyone you are from Mawdesley and they look at you like you said you were from the surface of the moon - you see virtually no one has heard of Mawdesley. It's a place so featureless, and insignificant it's not even worth knowing about. Even people in neighbouring villages refuse to acknowledge it's existence. Mawdesley is like a mental scar, people don't even want to have the place in their minds.


Worse still there is no public transport, no pavements - no way out. It's like a prison. There is nothing in Mawdesley, absolutely nothing. There is no reason to even pass through as it's not on the way to anywhere.


Only sadomasochists who hate life would chose to live in Mawdesley as life in that enclave is like a punishment.


Practically everyone who lives in Mawdesley has the surname Mawdesley. Yep, that's right, nearly everyone in a tiny, obscure enclave, cut off from society, cut off from the outside world has the same surname as the place where they live. In Mawdesley it's normal for "Mawdesley's to marry Mawdesley's" hence the place is staggeringly inbred. In fact Mawdesley is so inbred that a special facility for children with genetic defects had to be built. This would be funny were it not so tragic.


My father choose to live in Mawdesley, and on reflection he was a deeply strange man who hated life and people. No wonder he choose Mawdesley. Growing up in Mawdesley was like growing up in an open prison. No, actually it was more like solitary confinement. Whatever the case, living here was more a punishment than a life.


Mawdesley is soulless, lifeless and depressing on every level. Culturally, socially, geographically. Even genetically it's dull as everyone is inbred and related. Nowhere beats Mawdesley for being the most comprehensive soulless and depressing enclave in the U.

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i mean places like the Mosborough Townships to the south of Sheffield and towns like Milton Keynes etc


I'll start with a place called Harlow in Basildon Essex, this town must be one the most soulless places ever, it has the most boring unimaginative buildings landscaped area i have ever visited. Retail parks, Barrat Homes and 60's architecture all contribute to the make up of the town. There's no character, individuality in the buldings, the shops, and houses, it's somewhere that could easily be mistaken for dozens of bland places across the country, just that bit more land than most other similar places.


Where's the most bland soullesss place you'e ever been to?

Brightside, I was born there
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