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Edgar Allen One Of Sheffields Oldest Companies

baby barrie

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Trying to recall the names of the security/weighbridge men. They were total opposites. One really big and loud and the other a small quiet fella.


As I said I worked in the melting Shop,but had a lot of associations with the other departments,especially the Chemi-lab,I actually started there but moved to the melt shop.

I was fascinated by melting and steelmaking and that's what I do now so I have the greatest respect for people who work in that industry.

The friends that I made at Edgars will remain with me forever,they were like a second family.

I do remember,I think it was 1968/69 or there abouts going from Edgars on the 69 bus to Rotherham Tech with Glenn Haslam.we were passing the Steelos car park in Templeborough and Glenn pointed out the amount of Japanese cars that were starting to appear

He said that that would spell the end of the local steel industry in years to come.How right he was!

Names such as Edgars.Hadfields,Jessop Saville. Brown Bayleys Firth Brown,Osbourne,Jonas and Colver and many more pioneers of the industry,all gone from Sheffield.

I did notice in the Meadowhall shopping centre a sculpture depicting some crucible steelmaking.The centre is on the site of Hadfields. I'm not sure, but I don't think they did any crucible steelmaking at Hadfields.


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I worked at Edgars during the Falklands war. As everyone one knew, HMS Sheffield was sunk.Later a new HMS Sheffield was recommisioned. The new bell which was installed on the new HMS Sheffield was cast in the melting shop at Edgars. I cast that bell ! My claim to fame lol

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As I said I worked in the melting Shop,but had a lot of associations with the other departments,especially the Chemi-lab,I actually started there but moved to the melt shop.

I was fascinated by melting and steelmaking and that's what I do now so I have the greatest respect for people who work in that industry.

The friends that I made at Edgars will remain with me forever,they were like a second family.

I do remember,I think it was 1968/69 or there abouts going from Edgars on the 69 bus to Rotherham Tech with Glenn Haslam.we were passing the Steelos car park in Templeborough and Glenn pointed out the amount of Japanese cars that were starting to appear

He said that that would spell the end of the local steel industry in years to come.How right he was!

Names such as Edgars.Hadfields,Jessop Saville. Brown Bayleys Firth Brown,Osbourne,Jonas and Colver and many more pioneers of the industry,all gone from Sheffield.

I did notice in the Meadowhall shopping centre a sculpture depicting some crucible steelmaking.The centre is on the site of Hadfields. I'm not sure, but I don't think they did any crucible steelmaking at Hadfields.




Don't forget Balfours among that list of names!!

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actually Edgar allens took over Balfours in the early 70' ( yes the one in the wicker and on Greenland Road) which was Balfour Darwins at the time Later to be known as 'Edgar Allen Balfour'


Quite right sharkw. I worked at Balfour Darwins in the Wicker for about 19.1/2 years and left just after the takeover.

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