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About a Bus ...


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I was waiting on Commercial Street for a bus when the lady in front of me spied the Rotherham bus approaching, not wanting it herself she turned around and said “Do you want a sixty nine love?”


For some reason the bus queue erupted into laughter at that point…



I'm confused.


I always thought 69 Service (Soixante -Neuf to give it its correct French title) refered to a bus route, not about what might be going on inside.

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No, but I've played "chopsticks" on a bus, one of the old number 88’s had the rear seats removed and an upright piano installed in their place, many was the times that I tinkled the ivories on the way to school, “The Blue Danube” was a particular favourite as was my medley of hits from “Oklahoma!”


One day as I struck the final chord of “I don’t like Mondays” the entire piano collapsed into sawdust.


It was later determined that this was the first documented attack by music loving woodworm - they had formally resided in Les Dawsons piano - but my playing had driven them insane and precipitated their bizarre suicide attack.


with apologies to Seriessix :)

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Steve Race used to claim that he wrote the piano medleys on "My Music" while travelling on a bus, yo which Frank Muir asked him how he carried the piano upstairs.

I'm not saying you are wrong, but are you certain it was the number 88 bus? I seem to recall that there was a piano on the old 48 route. Or am I getting confused with the 147 which served Sheffield (Crucible stop) to Holmfirth which I thought had a snooker table on board to entertain the passengers.

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