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What words or phrases do you overuse?

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'Clearly': "I was wrong about that". "Clearly".


'Quite', as an alternative to 'I agree': "That was a rubbish idea". "Quite".


Starting sentences off with 'well': "Well, we could always do this instead".


And 'absolutely', as alternative to 'yes' (that one even irritates me), or as in 'that was absolutely awful'.

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I used to over-use the impolite version of the phrase, "Well, beggar me" to express amazement or surprise.


I was cured of this by a colleague who invariable responded, in a very polite tone of voice, "No, thank you".:hihi:

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'To be honest' is the only one that springs to mind.


Oh, and when Hollyoaks comes on I'm inclined to say 'Turn that crap off'. (This can also be heard whenever Emmerdale and Miseryenders comes on.)


Mine is sort of similar, but I say something more like "if 'i'm being honest"

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I am another 'basically' overuser. I also like to use relative clauses a tad too much. I used to use ok a lot but then i got counted in a lesson as saying it 28 times so I've tried to ban it.:)

I use the phrase 'mmmmm' to mean several different things, generally 'yeah all right' if i agree with something. People seem to think it means 'tha what?' so repeat themselves when i do it. It quite amuses me and i've had them repeat up to five times :hihi: until i say yes.



I do have a terrible habit of picking up on people's phrases particularly on the telephone to the point i'm no longer listening really to what they are saying but ticking off the next time they use their little phrase. :hihi:

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