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Story: 'Nonsensical time.'


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Seeing as my last couple of posts were a bit on the melancholy side, I decided it was time for a bit of nonsense. :loopy:


While scanning the net for this month’s theme, I came across “The Persistence of memory, Salvador Dali”.


After much deliberation I must confess the only thought that came to mind was Seriessix and her wondrous compositions.


With this in mind, that night I went to bed and dreamed a dream of old England and rusty lettuce leaves.


Nonsensical time.

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Why can't I write stories like that? (Don't answer that ).


I'm trying to remember which camel that would be. It might have been the 2002 one. The one with limited ranged (I think it needed bricking - You must have heard that old joke). I traded it in for 2004 turbo - AFD (All Foot Drive) in the Bazaar in Ahwaz.


Khoda Hafez


PS - How long is Pattricia going to be in Tibet ? Give her my regards next time you meet.

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Dressed in old rags and chewing an old boot? Seventeen kids? – a story such as this is far beyond my critical appraisal abilities so I forwarded it to a solicitor that specialises in libel.


“Ah come in Mr Mantaspook, yes I think we’ve got a very good case here, we should all be able to get quite a lot of money out of Mr Coyleys”


Eventually I caught my breath and between guffaws I interjected that “By all accounts, that’d be a first!”


“Er, yes…Judging by his comment regarding the psychiatrist I anticipate that Mr Coyleys defence strategy will be one of diminished responsibility due to insanity, we should be able to defeat that quite easily, tell me – what’s he like?”


So I told him, and as I did so the solicitor’s buoyant optimism evaporated like snow in the midday sun and the colour drained from his face, across which a bewildering array of expressions passed including puzzlement, concern, horror and finally stoic resignation as I completed my tale.


“So do you think we have a case? I asked.


The solicitor looked out of the window; he seemed inordinately interested in the nuts that a grey squirrel was pushing along a leafy bough outside. Suddenly he turned to me and gave his professional opinion.


“Damn! He’s thought of everything!” :)

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Seeing as my last couple of posts were a bit on the melancholy side, I decided it was time for a bit of nonsense. :loopy:


And another thing!


All this talk about about camel trains on the Wybourne intrigued me.


I never knew that Manor Oaks Road was part of the Silk Road. You certainly Live-and-Learn on this Forum.



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