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Newton Chambers & Company Ltd


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Hi All,


I too would dearly love to find out more about Newton Chambers. I have a personal interest as the founder, Thomas Chambers is my 6 x Great Grandfather. I have only known about this connection a month or so.

Does that lovely lady Gloria from the museum have an email address that perhaps I can contact her with?

Alternatively I am happy to gather what information I can, particularly the history of the company in the context of my family members.

I am from Oz, so cannot actually visit. Can supply email on request.


thanx Kazza

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Kazza. There are still some small books available on 'Amazon' by the Chapeltown and High Green Achive Socety on the history of Newton and Chambers. The society no longer wants to know about the local history unfortunately although they have done a terrific job in the past.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, anyone remember me from the tank factory? Stewart Crew . . my nickname was Joey. I started in 1966 at the same time as 3 more apprentices: Eric Taylor, Mick Lindley, and Alwyn Roberts. I worked on a turret lathe mating up with Diddy Dave for a time. Did well at Barnsley Tech and ended up in the drawing office before moving "darnt yard" to work in the drawing office down there. Still have some good memories, but at the time engineering really wasn't what I was best at, and after being made redundant trained to be a state registered nurse at Barnsley Hospital: wern't that good at nursing either but there we are! I'm 60 this year. Be good to here from people who new me then. Anyone know who to contact about my superannuation pension? Maxwell took most of it . . RIP ! ! ie ripped us off.

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Hi Stewert i remember you well blond hair i think ,i was the long haired guy who worked on the copy lathe ,i also remember M Lindley he was a good footballer and cricketer ,Eric Taylor long haired with scruffy blue and white woolly hat ,A Roberts also long haired he now runs fish and chip shop on Greengate lane in High Green .hope you are well ,i still spend a lot of time in Thorncliffe its changed a lot ,take care Stew .Bri Bloomer ,x

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Hey up Brian, I remember you very well. Yes I did have long blonde hair, wish I'd got a bit of it left now! Still live local in Hoyland Common. Last time I saw you was in Thornclife Pavillion playing snooker, probably 10 years ago. Must go and see Alwyn now you've told me where to find him, be great to see him and see how he's changed, he was a real character just like a lot more who worked there. Ken Armatage still kicking, he's a neighbour of mine , lives in Tinker Lane, I see him a lot in the Star pub in Hoyland Common where we rem anise about the Excavator factory . . perhaps we could arrange to meet up one night for a pint? Think Eric Taylor still lives in Jump; he was always winning the apprentice of the year award, last time I saw him he was managing an Engineering company. Not sure but think Chris Alred might still be alive! See ya . .

Edited by Joeycrew
spelling mistake
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Hiya Stew good to here Ken is still going strong ,i know he comes to see Brian Hovey in Chapeltown .Be good to meet up sometime ,i will nip over to the Star one night for a pint ,By the way Chriss Allred died a few weeks ago i think he was 98 yrs old.Do you remember Ted Hills he has put quite a few post on Sheffield Forum .Keep in touch Bri x

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I started at Newton Chambers College in 1960,which was only half a day a week, Miss Berry was the principal. the rest of the day was spent as the office junior in the Redfyre Sales Office. Louis Gardiner being my boss, i had to do all the mail, and deliver orders to the foundry.centramatic shop, and all the paperwork to the accounts dept. there was a lot of walking to do, mum used to complain i wore a pair of shoes out every three week. i then went on to work in Redfyre Accounts, Jack Gandy being my Boss. its about 4 yrs since i have seen him, but he still had the same sense of humour. was very proud to have worked at Newton Chambers, which gave me an all round business education.

Edited by Brendyboo
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