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Millhouses Park & Lido

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Originally posted by Guest

Well Millhouses Park is only a shadow of it's former self now, but I thought there were some ongoing attempts to restore some of it's former glory, anyone know ?

We passed it last week and the place was full of JCB's and heaps of mud.


Either we're getting a new ski slope or that's the excavation of the lido :clap:

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Originally posted by Strix

We passed it last week and the place was full of JCB's and heaps of mud.


Either we're getting a new ski slope or that's the excavation of the lido :clap:


Try a huge tank to hold sewage and you'd be right but it is a very big hole and an even bigger crane

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If you bother to read all the small print on their notices they say that they are going to leave it looking as though they'd never been there [paraphrasing] I think that is a shame as it was mostly a large area of grass and a badly drained car park.

I think they should use some imagination and leave the park with something of benefit, a picnic area with seating perhaps or a maze or even a decent bunch of trees, I've not noticed the 'Friends of Millhouses Park' asking for anything and a big grass field is pretty featureless. I'd even settle for a tarmac path running through the park parallel to the road.

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I have occasionally been walking through millhouses park for the last 10 years, and it seems to me to be always having digging or unfinished work done to it.


I know that the local sheffield parks have much less staff than they used to, and If the Lido were to be open today they would have to have Lifeguard on duty all the time at the pool, and probably the paddling too? I doubt the CTAX would run to that.


I used to visit the paddling pools at Rivelin in the 1970/80s, which seem the same style as the ones at millhouses.

These days, it only takes one person to slip and the whole thing would be closed down, just like the Diana fountain in London. If they opened it in 2005 then you would be able to look at the water and put your hand in, but if you stood up in it the whole thing would be shut down, before they fenced it off.

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When I was little,we would go for a day out to Millhouses park and we would literally spend a day there.


My Mum would do some pack up and I specifically remember she would take a jar orf Picallili or red cabbage to put on the sandwiches.


We would paddle in the paddling pool, play on the playground and go for a walk in Ecclesall Woods and arrive home tired but knowing we had truly had a day out.It cost nothing but the bus fare


The Lido was extremely cold and Yes, I can remember that people would try to get in for free , but those were the days, when Kids played OUT and parents didnt worry if they went out and didnt come back until it was tea time as that is what kids did then.

I think I was priveleged to be an outside person and one of my main hobbies is gardening.

How many of todays Kids( my daugher excluded) will show an interest in outside pursuits.

They spend far too much time inside( mY son included in that!)

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I nearly drowned in Millhouses boating lake at the age of 2.My grandad(who swam for Yorkshire) saved me.I have never been the same since!!The lido should definiteley be rebuilt.At least the food is good in the cafe by the boating lake;especially the Sunday breakfast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody I can remember the lido at millhouses park because I had a uncle who use to work there he was called david beckett he use to do a lot of weight trainning and in the summer he use to show the ladies what he could do, him and about 4 others one of the things he could do was to do the hand stand on the tips of his fingers he was also a brilliant diving champion there is not many who would dive off the top board but dave beckett would and on friday and saturday nights he use to play the guitar in a pub called the white swan at greenhill they had a piano player and a trombone player and a drummer this is long before it got altered he would be about 66 years old now or even 67 he was only small I would think somewhere between 5ft 2" and 5ft 4" but he was good in all the things he did,to me he was one of the best chaps to know even though he was my uncle.

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Went to the Lido on many a fine day. Often, as small bosy with no money, we got in by crawling under the iron railings - you only had to scrape a bit of earth out to get in - yet - you didn't have to as someone else had already done it! One time I got pushed in the deep end - before I could swim. I can vividly remember standing on the bottom looking at the wall and - not being scared at all - just looking at the wall. Then my mate pulled me out. Years later, he admitted that it was he that pushed me in!


Had great times on the boating pond too. I remember once when it was all iced over, we played on it all day. Eventually, it started to crack and we spent hours jumping from one piece of ice to the next as each would slowly tip or begin to submerge. Musta been mad really. And yes, I did fall in - that was one COLD walk home.

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I remember Millhouses park and the lido.I fell in fully clothed one time and my Mum made me stand up on the bus wet through ! I also remember taking jam jars and a net and catching stickelbacks in the stream.By the time we got off the bus they were always floating belly up! :o

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