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J.P.Bean talks at Fire Museum

Big Buster

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I went to the first one tonight.It were briliant. Right intresting talk and a good laugh as well. The next one sounds good. Its about crime in sheffield in old days


Me and SophieC went to the first one, thought it was really interesting and the museum was worth a look too. Already booked up for the next one.


Bless Albert - Safebreaker extrodinaire! I was amazing to see things like the chap's 'life preserver' and hear stories from people actually related to those involved etc.

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Me and SophieC went to the first one, thought it was really interesting and the museum was worth a look too. Already booked up for the next one.


Bless Albert - Safebreaker extrodinaire! I was amazing to see things like the chap's 'life preserver' and hear stories from people actually related to those involved etc.


Your right Dark. He sounded a bit of a lad that Albert. J.p Bean said he did 20 odd years in jail and he was his pal! Said in last nights Star Franky Frasers ghost writer will be at next one on Tuesday.

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I went to the first talk, very enjoyable and a pleasant evening for all.

J.P Bean presents the talk in a gentle and amusing manner.

Really worth going to , even if you know the story.

The next one looks to be even more interesting.


I've just got back from second one royal, hope you were there. It was dead good, tales about peple being sent to Australa for nicking sheep. Murders and stuff that realy makes you think. Not Shef history like they tell you at school or in t Star. Like stuff froma film. Jubby outa the Harrisons were there as well. Next time its the barenuckle fighter Bendigo. He sounds like a right lad. They said Brendan Ingles gonna be there aswell. I Missd J.p. bean on radio shef but my dad herd him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Should be a treat for fans of the "noble" art of Boxing, although it looks as there is more to the Bendigo character than that. Not a big fan of boxing myself, so giving this one a miss.



I went.; It wasnt about Sheffield much but a right good story. Action. I been to all 3 so far but Charley Peace is the one Im looking forwad to most on 20th. My granma used to talk about him. It sounds like it will be the best. Hope to see you there Royal. How would i know you?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm going to try to get to the one tomorrow, Charlie Peace,nearly everyone seems to have a story abut him.

Big Buster are you the big bloke with a shaved head and a pierced ear that I've seen at these talks?


You getting a bit cheeky Royal or what? I know who you mean he was there last night. Bit fearsom looking but I was atlking to him after the gangwars talk and he's a nice bloke. Meself Ive got a nice head of hair. I was there last night. Wish I had known you was looking for me - wasnt the Charlie Peace talk brilliant. I talked to Jp bean after in Fagans. He said he's going to write a book about him.

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